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****Jenna's P.O.V.****

"I - you - what?"

"I used to love you, Rose. Merlin, of course I did, you're my cousin. But you know what she is to me; she's my bird."

"I - I don't understand."

"Rose, Fenrir and Scabior are dead. They died in the war." James looked at Rose with pity among all the anger in his eyes. He sighed. "Aunt Hermione killed Greyback, remember? Spelled him out a window, and Scabior fell when Neville collapsed the Wooden Bridge."

"James, I'm your cousin. Yes, I lied, but we're still family. Your Bird is just a girl." She smirked. "Isn't she, Jamsie?"

"Uh-" Rose faked a gasp and strutted over to James, shoving him onto the bed next to me.

"Merlin, Rose, you could've hurt her!"

"James, isn't there something you want to tell Bird?" Rose grinned wickedly at us.

He looked at her with clenched teeth. "No, Rose, there isn't. And I-"

James was interrupted by a loud knock on the door. "As lovely as this reunion has been, I'm afraid you've got to start packing. We have to be back at Hogsmeade by noon, and you know how stingy Filch can get if we're late." Lily's cool voice floated through the door, and a moment later she opened it. "Rose, out. Now."

"Lily Luna Potter, you have no right -"

"NOW!" Rose glared, but it did her no good because a few moments later she was gone. "James. . ."

"I - I already packed. Please let me stay with her, Lils," his voice cracked, and I noticed out of the corner of my eye something that nearly broke my heart in two - James Potter was crying.

She looked at him with soft eyes and nodded. "Of course, I'm done packing anyway. I just wanted to get Rose to leave." She hurried out the door and grabbed my bag and violin case, already packed, to take with her.

"Jenna," he whimpered, "Jenna. I'm so sorry, Bird. I - I'm so sorry." He put his head down in his hands and I started to cry.

I let my small fingers trace the length of his jawbone until I reached his chin, and then I slowly lifted his head up. He looked at me with wet hazel eyes and tears streaming down his face. "Jenna."

Tears started streaming down my face. I collapsed into his arms and laid my head on his shoulder. He put his head on mine and we just sat there, needing each other and crying and hugging, me in his arms. Outside, I could hear bickering and sibling fights and trunks clunking down the stairs. I knew we were due to leave soon, but the bed was so soft.

Before I knew it, I could feel myself falling asleep, and I knew James was nodding off next to me. He had an arm wrapped around my shoulders that I was using as a pillow. His head was laying on my chest, my arms curled around him as we sunk into darkness.


The door to the room slammed open, but James and I payed no mind. Neither of us even lifted our heads. I cracked an eye open - I think James was still asleep - to see a fuming Rose at the doorframe, behind her all of the adults in the house, even Ginny Weasley, who was on tour with the Holyhead Harpies.

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