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 "its not the destination, but the journey."

"Each member will write individual writing pieces, which will be project based. This club is to morph innocent writers to intelligent journalists. Everyone will be assigned a vague topic that can be interpreted unlimited amount of ways. With every topic there will be necessary evidence to back up every statement." Every detail was so crisp that the assignment was clear as day.

"As you can tell there are sealed gray envelopes with your name written rather bold." I looked down at the envelope i have been fiddling with.

A S H T O N  K O R D E L written boldly as said. The room was filled with curiosity and eagerness.

"You may now open the envelope to reveal your assignment topic." The instructor easily commanded.

The ripping of paper filled my ears that second. Every member was chosen, no one applied. Student's literature files were scanned thoroughly and the group in this club are those who have the ability to write. I took the envelope and peeled of the flap revealing a slip of paper.

This will require various evidence Ashton, be ready. T O P I C: public eye

Public eye? This topic opened my mind to various categories. To me this represents what everyone, the public, knows of. I would have to write about a popular thought, something everyone always is wondering about. This needs to be precise though, not a main idea but a subtopic. So certain that maybe a person? Yes, that's exactly what I will do but whom? This has to be close, not distant as in someone famous. I could never find enough back up information for a celebrity. To do a person requires the knowledge of their background and literally every detail of their life.

I don't want anyone easy, i want someone who will push me to my limits. I need to be very aware of them in order to be around them. The biggest question is who? My thoughts got interrupted by everyone's whispers. Am i the only one thinking deeply about my topic? My eyes roamed the room and my ears listened attentively.

"Did you hear about her break up drama yet?" The nosy kid Wesley whispered softly to the girl across from him.

"Who?" The girl whispered even softer.

"Rosalie Tanner, who else?" Wesley chuckled.

Why haven't I thought of it before? It was so obvious and challenging at the same time. I know who I am going to write about and I already have my title.

Rosalie Tanner A.K.A the Attention Whore


Attention Whore {Harry Styles}Where stories live. Discover now