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"the truth is always revealed, eventually"

analogous . time-worn.  fragmentary.  however.

 I mentally applauded the instructor for the diversity between each topic.  The fact that my mind has done most of my work so far, is ironic compared to the other people in the room. I wonder if the instructor preferred no written presentation over my representation.

While the last member entered the office I realized I have no starting point. My planning has been consumed by what I need to find out in order for my assignment to be the best of my ability, but I need my starter to get where I want to go. I just need a little push in the right direction, like an ounce of information to lead me to another, and so on.

I begin to back track to why I picked Rosalie in the first place. She is known throughout the school, so I should get my starting information from a  person that would know a lot about her. Well lets see I wouldn't have even thought of Rosalie if it wasn't for Wesley.

Wesley, Wesley , Wesley.

"Pssssstt, Wesley!" I whispered a bit harshly to get the attention of the talkative, geeky kid across from me.

"Yes Ashton?" He sarcastically rolled his eyes and looked at me. I gestured towards the chair next to me, Wesley smirked and sat himself in the seat plopping his elbow on the table.

Speaking in his attempt to be british, "Okay your majesty, what may I help you with?"

"You seem up to date with this school, what do you know about the Rosalie Tanner?" I curiously edged him on.

"What do I know about Rosalie Tanner? It would be easier on my part to tell you what I do not know." Wesley cheekily replied.

"Has anything happened in the past few years that has been memorable? Good or bad."

"Hmm well there was this one time Rosalie went to school with sweats on and no makeup and that girl oh my goodness, like what the hell.."

"Wesley..." I interrupted his lecture of nonsense.

"Okay okay, what kind of things do want to know?" Wesley laughed and his humorous tone faded slightly.

"Points of her life worth writing about." I said questioning myself if that was the right way to put it. Wesley nodded showing he understood.

"Any family in this school?"

"Nope." He said with such ease.

"Any close friends?"

"Well she doesn't have a steady friendship with anybody." Wesley said looking as if he was questioning his own statement.

"What about a boyfriend? Current or old, any will do."

"She doesn't date per se, she just happens to cause a lot of chaos, and somehow its always a huge dilemma once she.... I guess you could say breaks up with them." I nodded processing his intriguing answer.

"Okay well was there any day that she was off? Like not the commonly known Rosalie Tanner."

"She was seen crying in freshman year supposedly, and she went to the guidance counselor." I took mental note on this moment.

"Thank you for your time, anyone else I can talk to?

"My buddy, Zayn Malik, helps with the guidance and he could probably get more info on that day." 

"Thank you to every single one of you for putting so much thought into your assignments and it has only been a week since they were given." The instructor's goodbye pulled me away from my train of thought and I looked at the clock and it was time to go.

I really don't need much for Journalism so I swung my shoulder bag having the bag cross my body. I decided to just hold my journal to the walk to my car. 

The cold December air hit my face cooling me. I clicked the "unlock" button to find my car, as I was looking I heard my name.

"Ashton! False information! False information!" I saw Wesley running down the steps towards me in the parking lot, his glasses were falling askew on his face revealing his geekiness.

"What do you mean? False with what?" I asked wondering what was untrue.

"Rosalie did have one actual relationship." Wesley said with a smirk.

"With who?"

"Harry Styles."


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