Miki Kowashima!

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   “HEY!" I yelled, standing in front of the house, we were moving into.

       The startled boy spun around in alarm. “Me?"

       “YES, YOU! YOU IDIOT!" I screamed, jumping in the air and giving him one of my killer fly kicks. His skinny, body was sent flying straight into the Hokage faces. Screaming ofcourse. No idiot stared at me like that.

       I was waiting for the splat, to announce the death of the brat. Ah, but this is life things don't always go to plan. Playing the hero my Dad rushed to the scene and caught the sucker, before he turned into ninja pancake. I mean how did the kid even pass the exams to qualify as a ninja. All I did was give him a playful kick to teach him a lesson.

     My Dad’s gaze turned Death on Site Mode, but I could tell he was keeping it in because he gave me a strained smile.

   “Say sorry, Miki." He said through gritted teeth, holding the boy's hand. The puny brat was obviously a pervert, his eyes were all big and he was staring at me with a mixture of fright, love and "please don't eat me" expression. He desperately glanced, at his friends who were hiding behind a barrel. One boy with a long scarf and some girl with orange permanently electrocuted hair.

   “KEEP DREAMING, LOSER." I said, banging the door, in his face. Inside my little brother Hiro and my Mother, were unpacking. Yeah, we just moved house, wait I mean lands. I cannot believe we left the land of fire, and moved to the stinking Konoha village.

     I stormed past them, and ran up to my new bedroom, slamming the door behind me as I went in. As usual the place was an absolute mess; I hadn't even opened any of my bags. The only thing, open was the window. A window big enough, to let a human out, yes.

     Before I left to explore the village...what, just cuz I don't like the place doesn't mean I don't want to look around. I stuffed a few pillows under the covers of my bed, just in case my parents decided to check in on me. Which I doubt would work, but who cares eh. I'd just call the ninja child protection unit, if they tried anything.

    The wind hit me as I flew down the window, and landed on the ground. Not realizing how cold it was, I had come out with just a red t-shirt, thin black hoodie and trousers. Cursing, I pulled the hoodie tighter around me and began walking. The sun was just setting, and the sky was a lovely golden colour. The houses were so quiet, and I felt like I was the only person in the world.



    “1 MORE!" Shouted a voice, sensing danger, I began running to the IchiRaku ramen shop. What was going on in there, I skidded to a halt and bust open the door. Throwing 3 kunai knives, as I ran in. My knives did hit someone, in fact they pinned them on to the wall.

   A yellow haired boy, holding chop sticks began screaming. On that fine note, I began screaming too, don't ask ok.

   “OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, ARE YOU OKAY." I shouted, in a panic. Had I hurt him?

   Rushing to his side I unpinned my Kunai knives from his clothes, and set the crying boy free. Except that he brushed right past me and straight towards, the splattered bowl of Ramen on the floor.


  “MY RAMEN!" He howled, desperately trying to scoop up the mess, like his life depended on it. Either this kid was deluded or I was going crazy.

    He turned to me with his murder in his eyes; I backed up next to the wall. “Woho, take a chill pill. I'll buy you another one." I said, forking out my purse. Geez this guy really was mad, all the way from his orange jumpsuit and spiky blonde hair, to his crazy behaviour.

   The owner of the shop suddenly walked on, due to the racket. “Naruto, what’s going on?" He said, staring at the mess on the floor.

    Ah...so that's what the crazy kids name was. Naruto and I stared at each other, and we began shouting excuses at the guy.

   “It was an accident, I fell of my chair." Naruto said. I looked at him with a mixture of doubt and thankfulness. Was he actually, covering up for me? This kid was more then he looked after all.

   I flashed him one of my biggest grins, and nodded at the guy. “Yeah, I saw him fall, and rushed to help him."

    “That’s right." Naruto agreed.

   “Alright, then, you wouldn't mind cleaning this mess up together then." The guy laughed.

       “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Naruto moaned.

     I sweat dropped. “This is gonna be....fun."

          “Ah, nothing like a tenth bowl of ramen!" Naruto said, sighing and patting his now humongous bulging belly.

      “I hope you’re happy." I replied, resisting the urge to strangle the guy. The whole time he had me thinking, that it was just his first round.

      I pushed my half eaten bowl of ramen, away from me, feeling stuffed. From the corner of eye, I saw Naruto eyeing my bowl.

   “Eh, your not-" He began.

   “Take it." I finished for him.

      “WOOOHOOO!" He instantly began digging in; slurping the noodles like it was his last bowl.

     I decided to ask him, a few questions while he ate. “So what's your full name Naruto?"

    “Uzumaki Naruto." He mumbled with a mouthful of food. “What about you." he said.

    “Miki Kowashima, I just moved here from the land of fire." I answered.

   He raised an eye brow. “You don't seem happy, about that."

     I sighed. “I had to leave behind a lot of friends, I guess. My Dad's one of the councillors for the Konoha. I lived in the Land of fire."

    “Oh." He said, nodding.

    “Speaking about that, don't you have parents to go home too?" I asked.

       I knew I had hit a soft spot, because he stopped chewing and his eyes revealed a kind of sadness.

   “I don't have any parents, I live alone." He said.

      A cold fist, clenched around my heart. I had to change the subject; I could tell it was making him uncomfortable.

      “How old are you Naruto?"

      “I’m 15." He replied, finishing the last of his ramen.

         “Cool, I'm 15 too." I said, cheerfully. A sudden thought jumped into my head. “Uh, oh I better get going, it's getting late."

     “See ya around, Naruto!" I said waving him goodbye and rushing out of the shop. I heard him call good bye back.

   I stuffed my hands into my pockets and smiled as I ran home. I'd already, made my first new friend. I wondered what tomorrow would bring.

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