Game Of Fear

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Game Of Fear

By:Leah Hughes

©All Rights Reserved

"Her name is Greta Howards," I heard them say quietly in a panic. They're looking for me. I looked around as I ran to the other side of the hall, unseen. They can't find me...I won't let them. As my body pushed me to run, I thought about my life outside the asylum. I don't know where I will go. After I was accused everything went down hill from there. No one will trust me any longer. I looked into a room and saw no one in there, but right above the desk there was an air vent. I went in the room, then closed and locked the door.Where the desk sat I walked over to it and hopped on. As I stood on my toes to get the vent open, I heard a noise. Someone was coming to get me. I hurried as my heart started to race. I can't be seen and I can't get caught; It would mean the end of everything. 'I got it!' I thought triumphantly as I tried to pull myself in. It didn't work, so from the corner of my eye my attention immediately went to a chair sitting on the other side of the desk. I crouched down and grabbed the light plastic chair. I put the chair on the desk and kicked it off as I climbed into the vent. It was very dark, and eerie I could feel the cobwebs as I crawled through them. I shivered feeling paranoid, imagining spiders crawling on me. Their little legs tickled my skin. Terrified, I crawled faster.

"Come out come out wherever you are," I heard Dr. Anthony Daniels say as I looked down through a small opening. As I crawled through the vents, I made my way to the garbage room. I know they are disposing of all the crazy peoples trash at the moment.  It would be the perfect opportunity to get out of here. As I looked down, someone saw me. I could feel my palms start to sweat as I stared into those wide pitch black eyes, his long black hair went behind his back. I pulled my finger to my lips and let out a quiet 'shh'. I knew he'd keep quiet, he knew what whould happen if he didn't. He slowly nodded and I saw him gulp with fear showing in those terrified eyes, I smiled and made my way to the trash room. There was no soumd as I made my way to the trash room, I was hoping they would give up, but I had no such luck. Someone else had called out my name. Then there was silence for the rest of my journey. Not a peep. A trick? I hope not; This is my one and only chance of escaping. I will not let someone ruin that for me. I put my hand down my my leg to feel the knife still tucked closely away in my long sock. I slightly opened the vent and stuck my head down, looking for any signs of humanity. Lucky for me,no one was there. Just then I rolled onto my side, and slowly, but carefully, made my way to the other side of the vent. When I reached it I rolled over on my stomach, and moved forward.

I felt the wind knock the breath out of me as I fell to the ground. I layed ther in agony, for a few minutes, then there was a sound. It was a door scraping against the tile floor.

"What are you doing?" I looked over to see the security guard coming towards me. In one swift motion I reached into my sock and pulled out the knife. As he ran towards me, I plunged it into his chest, then I ran. The door to the room was still open, and it lead to the back of the building. As I snuck out I caught sight of a white truck with no one near it. I looked around to make sure no one was looking, then I started to move. I hopped into the truck, and thank goodness,  the keys were still in the ignition. I've rarely driven a car, but I think I can manage. As I started the truck I heard someone scream.

"What are you doing in my truck?" he yelled toward me. I put it in reverse and started to drive. I didn't know if I would make it out of there...but I did. As I drove, I thought about where I would go. I can't go to my family, they disowned me. I can't go to his family; Half of them hate me, while the other half love me. Then it hit me. I knew where to go. Mrs.Dunkin's. She was the only one who believed me when I said that I didn't do it. I smiled as I remembered her big blue eyes, and that long brown hair. The thought of her brought the warmth to my heart that I haven't felt in so long.  I looked to see where I was going and found exit 70. Mrs. Dunkin didn't live too far from Glendale Asylum for the Mental. If I was allowed visitors I would like to think that she would have come to see me. I looked at the road and tried to remember the last time I had been down it. It brought some memories back. They were memories I tried so hard to push back.

Just about then, I heard the sirens. My hands became shaky and my neck felt cold. At that moment my breath started to speed up. Oh my God, it's over. I haven't even been on the road for two hours and I've been caught. As the blue and red light flashed closer and closer, my head started spinning with ways I could escape. There was no time. I watched as the police cars flew past me. I pulled over to the side of the road and let out a deep breath. That was a close one; I thought for sure that it was over this time. I have to get out of this car, I thought to myself as I looked around me for any signs of police cars. I slid across the seat and opened the passenger side door. As the door closed I ran into the forest. When I looked around a while later, everything looked the same. It was like a green jungle; I was lost. I looked around but could find no way out of here. What was I to do? It soon started becoming dark and I could feel my phobia start to creep in. If I didn't find light soon, I'll be lying on the forest floor hyperventilating.

I heard a howl right about then. I could feel myself jump at the sound; I was frightened. My breathing started to grow faster as I started going at a faster pace. The crunch of the leafs beneath my feet, made me feel a little more calm as I ran to the light. Oh god I though to myself as I saw a shadowy figure coming from the bushes. I stooped in my tracks and started to back away slowly.

"Who's there?" the lady asked me. Then a light was shined upon my face.

"Greta?" As soon as I heard my name I knew who it was, Mrs.Dunkin. I could feel my my heart swell up as I ran to her. I loved her so much, she held me in her arms for a moment before she started to take me to the house I saw in the distance.

"Greta," Mrs.Dunkin said with urgency. "You need to put this cap on, and these extra set of clothes." I looked at her strangely wondering why she even had these with her. As if she knew what I was thinking she answered my question.

"I had a vision, that you would be coming. There's something you don't know about me Greta...I'm a witch.' I looked at her in shock, never once had I met a witch as nice as her.

I always thought they all were evil, like vampires, werewolvess, and all of those other mystical creatures. I heard her talking and looked toward her, only her sclera was showing.

"I have her Iyzebel. Yes, yes she will arrive safely in just a moment." I looked at the woman, that was not Mrs.Dunkin. She was something different. Something evil. I slowly backed away and felt my legs quiver in fear.

"Who-who are you?" I stuttered my voice was shaky as I tried to show no fear.

"Aw is little Greta scared? Good. We've been watching you for a while. I'm Usha, leader of the wiccan coven, Creatures of the Night." I stared at her, and gulped as I slowly continued to move on backwards.

'Now where do you think your going?" Oh, my God, she was inside my head. I could see the wicked smile creep up on her face as she snapped her fingers. I blinked and when my eyes opened we were in a room, with the people that hate me and love me. I took the cap that Usha held out to me. I twisted my hair into a ponytail, tucking it under my cap and lowering the brim. Then I took a final look around the room full of strangers, wondering which of them would help me escape, and which would try to kill me.

"Welcome to the game of fear." I heard Usha whisper, then just like that she disappeared. I was left there not knowing who my allies or enemies were.

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