My Journey Home

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My Journey Home

By: resa1887

  I came to an empty room. A new place for me to sleep. I was sad because I had to move but excited for the new adventure that awaited me here. I moved way too often and just looked at each one as a new journey, or a new life. I examined this empty room to figure out where I was going to put stuff, when I came across a design on the far wall next to the window. This design was black in the shape of a spiral. It almost seamed like it was actually spinning, so I took a closer look.

When I touched the spiral, I got sucked into this giant closed in space filled with sand. I could see four walls surrounding me, and nothing but sand as far as the eye can see. There was something in the middle of this space that was pitch black, almost like a cave opening. This place felt familiar to me for some reason and I felt that I needed to find something. What that something was, I couldn't tell you. I started walking towards the black space in the room, when something grabbed my leg. Confused I looked down and saw a creature that is hard to explain in words.

    This creature had a hold of my leg and said, "Don't go over there. He will eat you. He wants to kill anything that moves in his territory." I was now very curious to what this creature was and why it wanted to help me.

    "Who will kill me if I get near him? And what are you?" I question the creature. As the words came out of my mouth, four more creatures came out of the sand looking very concerned.

    "The ruler of this land," said one of the new creatures. This one had a more girly voice, so I figured it was probably female.

    I looked at these five creatures that differed in size, and said, "Where did all of you come from?"

    Another, smaller of the creatures, said, "We live in the sand. We are the guardians of that portal. We have only seen a being like you once. He said that one day there would be a girl come through that portal, and we needed to help her find her path to him. He said never to let you get caught by the Shadow Lord of this land. We are to protect you as we have guarded that portal."

As soon as the little one finished, the ground started to rumble and the sand started to shift under my feet. Then there was a loud roar coming from the center of that dark space. I turned and saw a giant black, shadow type, creature with red eyes, coming closer to me.

    The five little creatures then said, "He found us! Run!" I ran away from the Shadow Lord, as the creatures called him, as fast as I could. My feet slipping in the sand with every step I took. I had troubles keeping myself off my hands. I tripped and feel. I tried to get back up but was struggling against the sand. I crawled across as the shadow lord got closer. In a panic I lifted my hand up towards the wall that I was coming to, and with my finger, drew a spiral like the one I saw on the wall in that empty room.

    Next thing I know, I was in the middle of a city, in a crowd of people. I looked around in confusion wondering what just happened. Turning around I see a black spiral on the wall of a brick building behind me. I must have created a portal to another place. I turned back around to figure out where I was. This new place was very interesting. Like the space with the sand, I knew right away that it was not the world I had come from. The sky was red, the clouds were black. The people around me looked gray, and smooth. They resembled humans to an extent. The streets surrounding me and all these people, were filled with hovering vehicles. They were surrounded by a lot of buildings that reminded me of New York! I couldn't believe my eyes, so I decided I wanted to look around. But when I stepped into the street I almost got run over. Every eye was then on me. Like I had just committed the worst crime ever! Afraid of what was going to come next, I went back to the building with the black spiral and touched it. I got sucked back to that space with all that sand. I ended up right where I last remembered being, when I was being chased by the shadow lord.

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