A Little Bit Insane

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A Little Bit Insane

By: TheBananaMuffinCat

A/N from The BananaMuffinCat: I wrote this story based off of a writing challenge. I hope you like it! The challenge was:  A character will take a bath, and they are surprisingly overenthused about it. A character is hungry throughout most of the story. During the story, a character has an accent while traveling.

"Oh, yes, to the bathroom!" I yelled running up the stairs two by two to my small apartment located right at the outskirts of New York City. It wasn't exactly a pleasant place to live, if you counted all the cockroaches and mice I had to rid myself of daily, but it was mine. All mine. Which meant I could do renovations. And I had just finished the bathroom. No longer did I have to submit myself to freezing water and the YMCA in a small stall listening to all the swim teams gossip. Nope, I had a bath and shower all to call my own. And darn your tooting apples was I going to use it! Oh apples... Though I loathed apples, but gosh darn it if I was hungry! I fit the key into my lock, and swung my door open. I bolted through my door switched the light on with a flick of my finger and ran to the kitchen.

"Chocolate, chocolate, where is my chocolate?" I sang as I raided my pantry for the precious food. "Gotcha!" I yelled a I sprung for a Hershey's bar. "Deliciousness shall soon enter my stomach!" I yelled as I ran to the bathroom. Ten minutes later I sighed in delight. Oh warm water, how precious art thou! I sunk deeper into the water. An hour later, I walked out of my bath and into my bathrobe, where fluffiness surrounded me. I padded softly to my bedroom, and the second I opened my door, the sound of "Escape (The Piña Colada Song)" blared from my cellphone. I groaned and sloppily ran to the kitchen where I had haphazardly dropped my purse. Digging through it, I found my cellphone and quickly answered.

"What is it?!" I all but yelled into my phone. My amazing peace was broken!

"Um. Hello, Brinna?" I heard a timid voice. I reddened considerably before finding my voice again.

"Sorry Grandmama, I was just...ah, well I was just going to sleep." I said sheepishly as I mussed my hair. I heard the sound of her giggles.

"Oh well, Brinna, you were always an odd child." Thank you Grandmama. Thank you so much for calling me an odd child. Your only granddaughter too! "Anyway, Brinna, I was wondering if you were interested in a Tour of Europe?" A Tour of Europe?! My historical dream come true!

"Europe!" I shrieked into the phone. "Of course, but how?!" I yelled excitedly. I heard Grandmama's chuckle.

"Better birthday present." She laughed guiltily. Yes, Grandmama, how were you supposed to realize that I was terribly allergic to puff fish and make me a puff fish cake? Which I then ate, and proceeded to blow up like a balloon. And get just a couple shots? Who even makes a puff fish cake? (Ahem, my Grandmama.) I simply agreed to take the tour after shrieking again with excitement. I was going to Europe. And gosh darn it I was going to have fun!


"Ma'am, we're going to have to ask you to step away from the statue," A bulky security guard said in a steely voice. I looked him up and down.

"Huh, " I grunted then backed away. This guy was business. And he could totally pick me up and carry me out of the museum, no matter if I was screaming or not. "I guess I shouldn't be a bother." The man looked surprised. My British accent was amazing.

"You are British? You are not a tourist?" He asked. I glared at him, but on the inside I was dying of laughter.

"You think that I am such an undignified American or such? Do you take me for a measly tourist? How dare you presume such things?" I primly growled. He was so OWNED. He backed away. Ooh, I should be an actress, I really did sound posh and mighty!

"Sorry ma'am." He turned and walked back to his little corner of the museum. Yeah, walk away, I totally OWNED you! I snickered as I turned back to the statue. Just looking at the statue made me think of steak...mashed potatoes...Oh gosh darn it I was hungry again! I walked out of the museum in search of food. After a couple blocks of walking, the only thing I ended up with was an ice cream, and I happily finished it off. Oh yumminess, how I adore thee.


"What would you like to buy?" A toothy man asked in a Spanish accent, as he swept his hand over his good. I wrinkled my nose, and sniffed.

"Ah, well, you see, I have very high expectations, sir," I said as I put my nose in the air, feigning a British accent once more. The man started sweating. People started watching.

"Madam, why don't you buy this figurine?" He pointed to a small statue.

"How do I know you're not cheating me? How do I know that's not made in China? Why don't you give me PROOF?!" I started yelling in my faux British accent. The man glanced at the many people around him, who were now looking at him suspiciously. I laughed evilly in my head.

"Madam, please, just take the figurine as a gift to our lovely tourists, ah?" He said messily putting in my hands then shoving me away from his stand. I smiled. Oh, the wonders of authoritative accents. I gleefully walked back to the tour bus, with my mission accomplished. Oh Grandmama, you don't know how fun this is.


"How dare you step on my nice shoes!" I glared at the perpetrator, still feigning my British accent. The man raised an eyebrow  at me. And then, he threw back his head and laughed.

"You, my dear, are quite good at faking an accent!" He exclaimed. My mouth fell open a little. He had a REAL British accent! And he'd found me out! "What is your name?" I wrinkled my nose.

"Why should I tell you?" I said, reverting to my American accent. He chuckled.

"So, I know what the name of my new friend is." He said in reply.

"Friend?" I asked. "I don't know who you are!" He tapped my nose and I scowled.

"Oh but you'll learn who I am." Creeper. He raised his eyebrows. No need to be a stink-BUTT. He burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?!" I asked.

"You." Huh? "You spoke out loud." Everything I had thought of, he had heard? "Yup." AH! He laughed again. "I am Daniel." And I am a pony princess. Blech. "You are funny." And? "Can I take you out to dinner?" Hm. I am  hungry.

But then again I always am. "Sure, but you better have lots of money, because I eat tons." He raised an eyebrow. "Oh, you don't even know the consequences of your invite." He looked at me incredulously. "Just, take me to the food already!" I yelled. He eagerly complied. Oh boy, free food was my love!

-The End-

A/N from TheBananaMuffinCat

I left the end open-ended. You can assume whether its a friendly "take-out dinner" or a "date." Brinna is too crazy to figure it out herself. Tell me if you would like a sequel, and whether or not you would like Brinna to have some love that isn't food!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2012 ⏰

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