fem. cas

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3 days.

It had been 3 days since Dean had last heard from Castiel. Last he knew, Cas was busy trying to help heaven readjust to God and Amara being back. He wasn't too concerned because it wasn't unusual for the angel to disappear for days on end without a word. However, when Dean woke up this morning to Sam calling his name in complete dismay, that changed.

"Dean? Dean!" He was laying in his bed sound asleep, when his brothers faint yells started to wake him. "Dean!"

Fuck. Dean thought to himself. He grabbed a pillow from beside him and pulled it over his head. If I ignore him, he'll leave.

He heard his brothers heavy footsteps grow closer and closer until there was a hand on his back shaking him vigorously. "Dean, you need to get up. Now!" Sam said with urgency.

Dean peaked at his brother from over his shoulder, then glanced at his clock.

5:22 a.m.

"Sam, there isn't anything on Gods green Earth that will get me out of this bed right now." Dean mumbled in a raspy morning voice, laying his head back onto his pillow and closing his eyes.

Sam took a deep breath and bowed his head. He then looked at his brother and said, " it's Cas."

Dean took a minute trying to determine if he had heard him correctly. He then scoffed, rolled over and stared at his brother. "What's wrong with Cas?"

Sam shook his head, "come see for yourself."


Dean sat by his brother on the couch watching the news report on TV.

There was a picture of Cas on the TV and a sign under it read "Jimmy Novak: Wanted". They were telling people to be on the lookout for him. They were saying he had brutally stabbed four people to death in Fort Collins, Colorado. They were saying he had fled the scene before cops arrived.

It was probably was an angel fight... it had to be. Dean thought to himself. He hoped.

Sam wasn't watching the report - he had seen it earlier. He was watching his brother. He watched as Deans expressions changed slightly, from fear to worry to sadness. Sam knew how his brother felt about Cas, even if he hadn't admitted it. He also knew how much this was probably hurting him.

Sam opened his mouth to say something to Dean just as the familiar sound of fluttering wings filled the bunker. The brothers turned around expecting to be greeted by the familiar boys blue eyes, but instead they were met with brown ones. Sam immediately pulled his gun out and pointed it at the intruder, "who are you?"

The unknown angel squinted her eyes and cocked her head staring at Sam. She then slightly turned to face Dean. "Dean."

Dean looked quickly from the angel to his brother then back to the angel. A puzzled look grew on his face, "Cas?" He asked quizzically.

The angel hadn't broken eye contact with Dean. "Yes."

Sam, unsure, still had his weapon trained on the angel, now identified to be Cas. Dean puts his hand on Sams arm lowering the gun. He then cautiously walked over to Cas and gave her a once over. "Cas, erm, why are you..." Dean cleared his throat, clearly growing more and more uncomfortable. "Why are you a woman?"

Cas stares at Dean for a few more seconds before dropping her gaze, looking down at her smaller more petite frame. She walks over to the couch and sitting down. "There was a fight. I was ambushed." She vaguely explained.

"Angels?" Dean asked him.

"Yes, four of them. They had summoned me to an abandoned warehouse and came at me with their angel blades. I barely made it out alive."

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