first kiss

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Everything that Cas did was driving Dean insane.

It all started about 2 weeks ago when him and Sam were on a hunt.

"Sam! Behind you!" Dean yelled to warn his brother of the vindictive black eyed monster behind him. Sam instinctively turned around and forcibly shoved the demon blade into its neck. The scream that erupted from it must've sent out a bat signal to the rest of the demons in the house  because within seconds the room was filled with at least 8 demons.

Sam and Dean worked like a well oiled machine. Ducking down to let the other stab a demon behind them, tossing the shotgun to whoever needed it, shooting approaching threats. After all, practice makes perfect.

That was until Sam went to shoot the demon that was fast approaching Dean, but the were out of shells. Quickly realizing the situation, Sam tried to warn dean of the oncoming threat but it was too late and the demon had Dean. Then Sam, being too distracting trying to save his brother, wasn't paying attention to his own surroundings and was quickly grabbed by a blonde demon.

The dark haired, dark eyed son of a bitch that had Dean spun him around and threw him against a wall, causing Dean to drop the demon blade. The demon was making his way toward him and stopped, grabbing the blade. He was likely planning on using the very weapon that had saved the brothers many times, to kill them.

Out of instinct, Dean shot out a quick prayer to Cas, 'hey man, need help.'

Without wasting a moment, Cas fluttered his angel ass down popping up behind the dark haired demon and placed his hand on the back of its head to smite him. The demon glowed bright before dropping dead in front of Cas. Dean was still sitting there, grateful that Cas had had his listening ears on. The blonde demon didn't stick around to test Cas any further and smoked out as soon as the first demon hit the ground. The few other remaining demons, however, were not so smart. They decided to charge Cas.

"Shut your eyes!" Cas yelled to the boys before exerting mass amounts of power, smiting all the demons in range.

Dean looked up at the angel and caught a quick glimpse of his wings and glowing eyes before they faded away, and he felt his heart catch.

That was the first time Dean had really felt it, the attraction. Something about watching Cas take on all those demons so fearlessly and then seeing him radiate so much power and strength. Also his wings, Dean has rarely seen Cas' wings. Maybe 2 other times before this.

Ever since that hunting trip everything Cas did made Dean want to slam him against the wall, rip off his clothes and kiss every inch of his body. Even when Cas wasn't doing anything spectacular Dean still found himself with a racing heart and sweating palms. His stomach would be tied up and he would literally start to find it hard to breathe. He didn't know how much more he could take before he gave in to the constant voice in the back of his head saying, kiss him.

He almost did a few days ago.

Dean had been trying to sleep for a few hours now but with no luck. He went to the bathroom and splashed his face with water. He had his hands supporting his body on either side of the sink, staring at his reflection. He heard a faint cough come from behind him. He turned to find himself less than 5 inches away from Cas, who, was in nothing but pajama pants that were hanging very low on his very prominent hips. Dean knew Cas didn't sleep, but he liked to play the role anyways.

"Cas." Dean barely managed to choke out.

Cas tilted his head, "Dean."

Dean took a really deep breath and took a few steps back so he couldn't feel the heat radiating off of Cas anymore. "Cas, what are you doing?" He asked, trying to keep his composure even though his heart was in his throat.

"I heard you get up and I thought I'd see that you were okay," Cas said in a 'what else do you think' voice.

The two boys just continued to stare at each other, which wasn't anything out of the ordinary. However, with these new found feelings, Dean thought his head, both of them, were going to explode.

After a minute of staring, Dean was about to give in to the urge when Cas turned and left, leaving a very confused Dean alone with his thoughts.

Sam and Dean had  been in the living room watching Dr. Sexy M.D. despite Sams protests. The episode ended and the two brothers went their separate ways to their bedrooms. Dean opened his door and went to his closet and began taking off his shirt. He starting thinking about Cas, and all the things he would to do him if he were here. He would make him scream. Dean continued to have these thoughts until he heard someone clearing their throat behind him. He immediately pulled his gun until he realized it was the angel who has been haunting his thoughts. Dean turned redbinstantly once he realized it was Cas.

"Hello, Dean." Cas said, making his way over to sit on Deans bed.

Dean didn't know what to do or how to react to the unexpected visit from the boy he had been longing for just moments ago. Then it hit him.

"Did you uh-" He began.

"Yes." Cas replied immediately.

Cas had heard him longing for him. This wasn't the first time, though and that's what confused Dean. He had been thinking about the angel non-stop since the trip so why was he only showing up now?

"I didn't come before because I wasn't sure." Cas said as if he had read his mind, which he may have. "I wasn't sure if you were actually longing for me, willing me here, or if you were just dreaming. However, after the number of times you had thought about me reached the hundreds, I decided I should see what was going on." Cas explained to a very, very red Dean.

Dean sat there quietly for a few moments trying to think of something to say, but when he couldn't he just decided it was best to just show Cas how he felt. Dean took a few large strides across the room and pressed his lips longingly against Cas'. He felt his stomach heat up instantly, it was as if everything he had ever wanted had been given to him. Dean immediately pulled away and began to apologize but was cut off by Cas' lips meeting his once again. It took Dean off guard but he responded quick. He shoved the angel onto the bed and began sucking his neck. Cas let out a low moan which drove Dean crazy, making him  shove his lips back onto Cas' and deepened it. Dean felt like he was going to pass out because of all the intense emotions he was feeling in that moment. He felt Cas' hands slip onto Dean bare back, which forced a moan out of Dean. They continued the kiss filled with lust and desperation for a few more minutes before pulling away to catch their breath.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while now," Dean confessed in between breaths.

Cas looked at him and smirked, "I know."

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