Chapter Twenty seven.

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I wake watching Finn as he sleeps next to me, breathing in and out gently through his nose.

I don't understand how Finn can make sleeping look so cute.

"Are you staring at me?" I jump out off my trance. Finn's eyes are still closed.

"No." He opens one eye, raising his eyebrows at me.

"Okay, maybe." I smirk a little. His eyes close again as pulls me even closer.

"We need to get up Finn." I mumble into his neck as my heavy eyes close.

"No we don't. I want to stay like this for longer." His words muffle into my head. I find myself slowly falling asleep again.


Eventually we get up. I take a quick shower putting back on what I wore last night, so I can make some excuse to my mum that I slept at Grace's last night after the party, because she has enough to worry about besides me.

"Are you going?" Finn lips form a pout, as he leans up the door frame off the bathroom.

"I've got to go home." I wealky smile, pecking his lips. I go to walk past, when his warm fingers wraps around my wrist, pulling me back.

"Is that all?"

"Is what all Finn?" I ask confused, but once the playfull grin forms on his face I know exactly what he is on about. I walk closer to him, my arms wrapping around his waist. He leans forward with a smug look on his face from getting what he wants. Our lips join together hungrily as I lean in to him more. We pull away eventually, both gasping for air.


I arrive home, calling out for mother but she never answers. I walk into the living where I see her fast asleep on the couch, so I take one of the blankets and wrap it around her.

I then go upstairs to change into something less formal and ring up Grace to make sure she is alright.

After a few rings she finally picks up.

"Grace?" I ask through the phone. I hear silent snuffling.

"Emily can talk?" She sobs. Millions of thoughts run through my mind of what could be wrong. I hope she's okay? What happened last night after I left?

"Sure. Where are you I'll come pick you up?" I panic running around the room for paper and a pen.

"Im still at Brett's" She snuffles out. I eventually find a pen and write out a note for my mom. I just blag a lie saying I'm popping out to get something, hoping she won't ask later.

"On my way!" I hang up. I run back down stairs and putt the note on the table so it can be seen.


I pull up outside Brett's. Everything from last night started playing through my mind. I run up the driveway and knock the door, hoping at least someone will answer, and they did.


His hair is all scruffy, his also shirtless in a pair of sweatpants. I look past him through the house at all the empty beer cans and paper cups spread out all over the place, a few people passed out on the floor.

"What do you want, I told you we are over?" He spat bringing my attention back to him.

"Im not even here to see you, I'm here for Grace" I gently speak back. He steps aside letting me in.

"Whatever. She's in the lounge in a right state." I walk past him as he harshly rolls his eyes at me. I ignore him once Grace comes into view. She's sitting on the floor in tears. She looks up at me, her makeup everywhere.

"Grace?" I run up to her and sit down. She rests her head on my shoulder whilst sobbing.

"Hun, what's wrong?" I stroke her hair for comfort. Maybe it's her parents because of what she told me, going home might of been too much this soon.

"Its Sarah." She sobs more. I look up at Brett, not realising he had followed me in here. I can see slight pain in his eyes, but he looks away quickly.


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