Chapter Thirty.

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*Few days later:Christmas*


"It's bloody Christmas and you're still asleep" I jump one last time landing in a heap on the bed, Finn moaning beneath me.

I can't believe Finn is still asleep on Christmas morning. He is lying on his stomach, topless, face buried into the pillows.

I'm always like this, a 'bah-humbug' right until Christmas Eve. I tickle Finn's neck slightly, knowing how ticklish he can be. He wiggles trying to shake me off, and when that doesn't work he rolls over, me flying onto the floor in a miss fit off laughter remembering the time I did it to Grace.

"Oh shit, you okay?" His deep morning voice speaks from under the duvet. I love how he won't even move to see if I am.

"Yeah, probably just a massive bruise but all in all, I'm excited!" Finn groans again, covering his ears dramatically over the fact I'm talking so loud. I crawl back into bed, so the warm duvet is surrounding me along with Finn's scent that I've become addicted too.

I straddle him placing soft kisses all over his face, trying to grab his attention before he falls asleep again. He opens his eyes gently, about to kiss me back when I cover his mouth with my hands.

"Hmm...don't think so, morning breath and all." I tease and his eyes narrow at me. He flips me over so I'm underneath. His hands are holding mine down at the side of my head so I can no longer stop him.

"Excuse me?" He tries to keep a straight face to look annoyed.

"I'm joking." I smirk pecking his nose.

"Prove it?"

And I do, my lips joining his in a slow rhythm. Things soon heat up. He licks my lower lip making me moan so he can have access. He frees my hands letting me wrap them around his neck, deepening the kiss.

"Mom..s..home" I breath into the kiss. I've also probably woke her up with all the shouting.

Finn stayed at mine last night, because he wants to spend Christmas with me but I don't want Mom to be alone, so we're going to his later for Christmas dinner.

Finn stops to pull away. I whine from the loss of contact.

"She can't hear."

"Think you'll find she can!" Mom shouts walking downstairs. My cheeks burn up in embarrassment and shock. I stare at Finn, my mouth open. He stares back, but not for long because he starts laughing.

"Your face." He breaths out. I shoot him a deathly look before wiggling from underneath him, pretending to be mad.

"I'll be downstairs." I huff, facing away so my smile isn't noticeable to him. I leave the room as Finn calls out, "Love you gingerbread!" referring to my gingerbread christmas pyjama shorts. I smile to myself before semi skipping down the stairs to wish Mother a proper good morning.

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