First Ultrasound

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Perrie's pov

"Hey Zayn." I say into the phone. It has been two days since I told Zayn about my pregnancy and nothing interesting has happened. I'm still throwing up in the mornings and I still feel like shit. I hope all this morning sickness is finished soon.

"Hey Perrie. What's up?" Zayn says.

"Well, I have an ultrasound planned for today, in about an hour, and I was wondering if you wanted to come? You're the father, after all." I offer, plonking myself down on the couch.

"Sure. Why don't we meet at the hospital?"

"Okay Zayn. Sounds good. See you soon." I say and hang up.

I look at myself in the mirror. I have to get dressed. I have a quick shower and then get dressed into a grey maxi dress, red sandals, a red necklace and bracelet. I curl my hair lightly and put in a red bow. I apply simple makeup and apply makeup with red lipstick to finish off the look. I grab my white leather bag, put on my sunglasses and head out the door. I listen to Katy Perry's Prism album on the way to the hospital, and the drive takes about ten to fifteen minutes.

When I arrive, I check myself in the car mirror on final time and then get out of the car. There are paparazzi, asking me why I'm at the hospital but I don't care. They are going to find out about my pregnancy soon anyway.

I walk into the hospital and see Zayn there, sitting in the waiting room I quickly let the receptionist know that I'm here before sitting down next to Zayn. He looks up from his phone and smiles.

"Hey Perrie. How are you?" He asks.

"I'm alright. I'm still getting morning sickness but that should all be over soon. Other than that I'm great. How about you?" I smile.

"I'm good. I'm a bit stressed working on my new album but it's fine." Zayn answers.

The receptionist tells Zayn and I to go on into the room and I sit on the bed. I admit it, I am a little bit nervous. Anything could happen. At least I've got Zayn here with me. At least the baby will have a father.

"Good afternoon, Miss Edwards and Mr Malik. I am Dr.Jodi and I will be your doctor throughout your pregnancy. So you're here for an ultrasound today?" The doctor asks and I nod. "Okay, just lay down here for me and we will get started."

I lay on the bed and the doctor puts the gel on my stomach before placing the scanner on my stomach and moving it around. The doctor presses a button and the screen turns on. I watch as a tiny white blob appears on the screen and I smile. I look at Zayn who is smiling also.

"So, that's your baby. He or she is very small at the moment, but seems to be healthy so far. You are about nine weeks pregnant, so your bump will start to show soon. Would you like me to print out some pictures?" The doctor smiles.

I smile and nod. "Yes please. That would be lovely."

The doctor walks out of the room and I smile at Zayn.

"Oh my god. We are actually going to be parents. Now it just feels so real." I say, my eyes wide.

Zayn chuckles and nods. "Yep. Are you excited to be a mum?"

Am I? I'm pretty sure I am. I am just confused at the moment.

"I think so, yes. I am. I just think I will be happier after telling everyone is over and done with. Speaking about telling people, I have to call my mum. I'll just call her after this." I answer.

"I should probably call my mum too." Zayn smiles.

"I wonder what my mum will think. I hope she won't be mad with me."

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