Let's Go Out

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Perrie's pov

The chime of my phone signalling that I have a text wakes me up from my short slumber. I didn't get much sleep last night as I had been thinking about the baby, and how I am actually going to be a mum. I am going to raise this baby, and feed it and love it. I am excited for the baby but I am really nervous at the same time. I've always had my life planned out, and this is not how I planned it, but that's fine. I'd planned for me to get married before I have a baby, but now here I am pregnant, and not even in a relationship. At least I know who the baby's dad is.

I roll over and grab my phone, and see a text from Zayn on my screen.

Zayn 🖖🏽: Hey Perrie. I was wondering if you wanted to go out today to talk about the baby?
Perrie: Sure, that sounds good.
Zayn 🖖🏽: cool. Why don't I pick you up at 10 and we can go to a beachside restaurant for lunch?

I agree and get up and start walking to the bathroom. I shower quickly and dry myself, catching a glimpse of myself in the bathroom mirror. I turn to the side and look at my stomach. There is no bump yet, but there will be. There is a baby in my stomach. I wonder what gender it will be.

I blow dry my hair and get changed into a yellow summer dress and then tie my hair into a side fishtail braid. I do my makeup, applying Kylie Cosmetics Dolce K lipstick to finish the makeup look. I strap on some brown sandals and put a yellow and white frangipani in my braid.

Whilst I wait for Zayn to arrive I scroll through my Instagram feed, liking a few fan's pictures to make them happy until I hear a knock at my door. I smile as I open the door to see Zayn standing there, wearing a plain white t-shirt and grey jeans.

"Whew! Aren't you hot? It's like thirty something degrees!" I smile, hugging him.

"I'm a little bit hot but I'm fine." Zayn chuckles. "Shall we get going?"

I nod and follow Zayn into his black convertible. Fancy. I think Zayn has like three cars. Zayn drives us to a little cafe on the beach.

I smile as we walk in. "Oh, how cute is this? It's beautiful." We sit on a table-for-two outside the cafe/restaurant and look out at the beautiful sea.

"So are you excited for the baby?" I ask Zayn.

Zayn smiles slightly and nods, breathing out. "Yeah. I'm nervous though. I don't know if I'll be a good dad or not."

"I'm sure you'll be a great dad. Actually I know you'll be a great dad. You have to be a great dad because I know I'm gonna be a shit mum!" I joke.

"You're not gonna be a shit mum, I think you're gonna be a great mum. This baby is really lucky to have you as a mum." Zayn smiles.

"Okay, okay. We are both going to be great parents for this baby! This baby is very lucky to have us as parents. I will try my best to be the best mum that I possibly can be."

"And I will try my best to be the best dad that I possibly can be, also." Zayn says as we laugh.

I turn to look at the beautiful ocean after I finish laughing. The water looks so calm. Unlike me. It's so blue and you can see big shipping boats in the distance.

"What gender are you hoping the baby will be?" Zayn asks, looking at a young couple with a pram holding a little girl.

"Um... I don't know, really. I don't really care, just as long as he or she is healthy. If it's healthy then I'm fine." I answer truthfully. I just want the baby to be healthy.

"Me too. I don't really mind, I just want it to be healthy. But, I have a feeling that it's gonna be a boy." Zayn smirks.

"Oh, really?" I joke slowly. "Well I predict that the baby is a girl."

Zayn and I laugh, and soon we are laughing hard enough that other people at the cafe start to stare. I try to stop but end up laughing again. I think we both don't even know why we are laughing. We finally stop laughing.

"So, how long are you and the girls going to be on hiatus for?" Zayn asks.

"I think up until the baby is born. And then I think six months after the baby is born I will go back to working. So when the baby is six months old. I will still be doing some interviews though, just not as much as I usually do. The girls will still do interviews, too." I explain, slowly sipping my apple juice.

Zayn nods and I start to ask him about his career and how it's going. It's going well but he's stressed. I don't think the baby stuff helps also. We get going and on our way to the car there is a lot of paparazzi. They don't cause too much trouble though, so that's good.

We drive to my house in a comfortable silence. When we arrive, Zayn walks me to my door.

"Thank you for taking me to lunch." I smile, lifting my bag higher on my shoulder. "I had a great time. Thank you."

"No worries." Zayn smiles. I watch, confused, as his smile fades. "Perrie."

I smile awkwardly. "Yes?"

Zayn slowly leans forward until we are only inches apart, and I can feel his warm breath on my cheek. He hesitates before slowly pressing his lips against mine. A warmth and a buzz of electricity goes through my body, and it feels weird but good at the same time. Zayn's lips are surprisingly kind of rough but soft at the same time, if that's even possible. I surprise myself by kissing back, and I think I even surprised Zayn too. We pull away and stare at each other for a few seconds before I clear my throat.

"Thank you for today. Bye Zayn." I say, walking into my house. I go to my bedroom, flop myself onto the bed, and put my hands over my face. Did that seriously just happen?

To: Girlies 💅🏻💅🏼💅🏽💅🏾

Girlies! Do you all wanna come over to mine for the night? There's something I have to tell you 😳 Perrie xo

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2016 ⏰

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