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five years have passed

       happiness is a confusing topic for one to grasp. everyone has felt sadness and happiness within the lives; it makes them who they are. emotions make people human. maybe happiness didn't last in some cases. many say that happiness balances out all the sadness in one's life but taehyung never believed that. 

nor did jungkook. 

"jimin, pass me the remote," yoongi mumbled quietly and jimin glanced at the other who was dazed and tired. without any words, he looked beside him before tossing it towards the other. 

"do you ever wonder how small of a world it really is? what would've been the chances that we never actually met?" 

yoongi only hummed, hugging jimin by his side. "it was destined to happen, considering the fact that we both knew taehyung and jungkook." 

"I already told you not to bring up their names, baby," jimin sighed before looking beside him. 

"sorry," yoongi only sighed before curling up into a small ball beside jimin. "I know you don't want to mention them but d-do you think that they were happy?" yoongi asked quietly. jimin stood quiet, the quietness of the air making yoongi nervous. "yeah. yeah, I really think they were happy. I regret calling the police on them. this probably would not have happened then." jimin sounded absolutely broken and yoongi immediately sat up. "I-I'm sorry for mentioning them again. I know it's a soft topic for you." jimin shook his head to the side. "It was all my fault anyway. there is no need for you to apologize." 

"they didn't die alone. they were happy together. jimin please, it's been years. please don't cry now." yoongi wiped the sudden years rolling down the boys' cheeks, leaving a soft kiss at his temple. "honestly yoongi, I don't know how you trust me. I practically killed one of your only friends left until you had been surrounded in a world of loneliness. I surprised you've trusted me enough knowing that everyone in your life that you've loved the most is gone."

"the past is past. I have you by my side and that's all I need now." yoongi wiped the tears that had to started to roll down his cheeks as well. 


jin ran his finger over the dry paint in the bathtub. 

"baby, we need to leave now. it's almost midnight," namjoon spoke softly, giving his husband a reassuring squeeze to his shoulder. "just one more minute. promise we'll be back tomorrow?"

"baby, we come here almost every day." namjoon sighed softly when he saw the other quietly stand up. 

"bye taehyung. bye, jungkook." 

it was always the last thing he said before they left the bathroom. namjoon didn't understand at first but he's grown to get used to it. 

he misses them just as much as jin did, of course. 

maybe believing that they were still there gave jin a bit of hope. just maybe. 


sometimes, taehyung thinks back. he wishes to go back into the past where everything was alright. maybe he would not have fallen in love with the person who showed him that the world was his for taking, someone who walked through his life with eyes dancing with sparkles, whose presence now barely a fleeting memory to him. he was someone taehyung couldn't have.

his name was jeon jungkook.



 hEy I finished the book,, I actually was supposed to give a different ending where jimin never called the police and taehyung committed suicide alone but I'm not making the first day of 2018 terrible fjdhje. 

((im saying this as if it's not just as sad smh))

I was actually planning to stop writing on wattpad as soon as 2018 hit but I might actually write a sequel to this where its a jk and tae devil and angel au with not as much angst. it's full of humor n smut and the only angst is bringing their past back to this book lmao. 

I actually did write a sequel to this book but I ended up deleting it hahh.

would you guys like that?? im just considering it though,, I might not actually write it lmao

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