Niall pulls away and I blush profusely. I look over at Austin and he looks.. Angry? I bet it's nothing. They continue to play and I say "Austin can we talk?" I pull him out of the room and drag him to the spare one. I close the door and I say, "spill. Why did you look angry when Niall kissed me?" He paces. "Maybe because I like you Hailey." He mumbles.
I look at him. Austin.. Likes me..? He says, "Hailey, I know we have been friends for such a long time, I understand if you don't want to ruin that." "Just let me think about it okay..?" I say. He nods and we walk back to my room. Niall looks at me in confusion and I mouth, "I'll tell you later."
We finish playing and Niall pulls me aside. He says, "what was Austin talking about?" "He likes me..." Niall mumbles "I knew it.." He says "Well might as well say it. I like you too.." I look at him. Both of my best friends like me? Oh boy. This is gonna be a long school year.
The next morning we go to class and I sit by Niall this time. The teacher says "Find a partner and read chapter 2 in your books please." I walk to Niall and we find a place to sit and we start reading. We finish and we start talking. "Niall, why do you like me..?" He says, "Hailey, you're so beautiful. You're smart, funny, athletic, and just plain amazing."
I look at him in amazement. "Niall that was so sweet.." He smiles and I see his braces fully showing. I smile back and he says, "Hailey, will you go out with me...?" His Irish accent sounds nervous. I look at him and nod shyly. He smiles and whispers, "shall we wait to tell the lads and.. Austin?" I nod and he takes my hand. Niall is my boyfriend, I think to myself. I smile at the thought and we get back to working.
She chose Niall! More coming up soon. Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been SUPER busy. But there'll be more soon! Don't forget to vote and comment! Xoxo, mason