chapter 6

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I sipped my coffee as I once more stood against the bus stop. I was texting Donna, telling her about what happened last night and she was going insane. I'm pretty sure there will be a lot of questions to be answered. I got on the bus and we came to her stop. "Spill," she said sitting down. "What do you mean?" "Blue, don't play stupid you know what now spill." "Alright so Kota took me out to see 'Meet your maker' and I wasn't really hungry, so he ordered a large popcorn and soda and I leaned in to sip the soda and we just ... kissed." "Blue, I'm really beginning to think all the common sense you had, if you had any, came out in your last shit take," she said crossing her arms. "Yea, yea."

The bus came up to the school building and we spotted an upset looking Rowan sitting on the steps. "What's wrong," Donna asked as we strode up. "I could not figure out what was wrong with Channing and now I think I only made things worse," he replied. "Ok that's it, where is he," I asked. "Baskin." "Tellme." "He's in the library talking with Snowy," he replied. "Be careful!" I walked up the steps into the school building and made my way to the library. I turned left down the hall to see Snowy making out with Dean, an extremely attractive Lion who was defense on the school's football team. I sneered as I walked past and I entered the library. I walked around till I found Channing balled up in a corner. "Channing? Channing!" I dropped my bag and ran over to the hurting tiger. "What do you want," he sniffled. "Channing, what's wrong." He said nothing but sniffled more. "Come on Channing, what's wrong, we're all worried." "Nothing, you wouldn't care if I told you anyways..." "Channing. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. You're my best friend, there for I do care. You're crying, you've been depressed ever since what happened in the bathroom and I'm damn well sure that you and Snowy are over because I found her tonguing her ex," I said. Channing wiped the tears that ran down his orange fur. He pulled me into a hug and sobbed a little more. Surprised, then relaxed by his warmth, I hugged him back tightly. "It's ok Channing. I'm here."

After a few minutes of hugging and him composing himself, he let me sit back down. "Tell me, what's wrong and why have you not been talking to Rowan, Donna and I," I say giving him a worried expression. He sniffled then wiped his nose with his paw. "I've been feeling ... lonely. I don't know what Snowy has been telling you guys, but it got everyone else mad at me... Something like I was losing interest in her or something, I don't know, but everyone has been getting mad at me, and then I come in a few days ago and I see Dean's tongue halfway down Snowy's throat... I lost it and since no one seemed to noticed how I was, I cut myself off," he said. I gulped. "I'm sorry Channing... I did notice, but I thought you'd come to us, Channing you shouldn't have to feel lonely and you know I'll take your side over Snowy's any day. You are right, she has been going around saying that you've been losing interest in her as a result of you cutting yourself off," I comforted him.

Looking into his eyes, filled with the want to be loved and to give love, those big green eyes of his, I felt relaxed somehow. Are you flipping falling for him? He's your best friend! You can't do that to him! Besides, you just got freaking Dakota to kiss you!

"Come on, let's go find Donna and Rowan, they are worried sick about you," I said getting up to grab my stuff. "Wait... Just a few more minutes," he said. "Alright," I said calmly and sat back down. His chest pressed to mine as he wrapped me in his arms. The tuft of chest fur that stuck out from the top of his shirt felt nice and goosebumps shot up my back. "Thank you for being there for me Blue," he whispered. "Anytime Channing," I whispered back.

The few minutes past and he helped me up and we went to go find Rowan and Donna before class started. We found them and Channing explained himself. "Why the hell would you think we would believe Snowy over you? You are the most amazing person we know and the only time we will believe her over you is when you keep stuff from us because it makes it look like you have something to hide. You're always there and so supportive of us and like an amazing guide, we want to do the same to you, so if you ever need any of us, just talk to us, we will be more than happy to help you out," Rowan said. "I love you guys, I'm sorry for not talking to you earlier," he said and we hugged him. I ended up climbing on his back and wrapping my legs around his waist. "Now since I have the farthest class and yours is in the same building, take me to my class room," I said pointing in a random direction. "Alright, catch you lot later, let's go Blue," he said.

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