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Ashley reached her history class alone. Emily and Sarah both had left early. When she reached the class she saw Sarah sitting with some guy. Why was that guy sitting her seat she thought to herself. Sarah got up from here seat and came to her.

"Hey do you mind sitting somewhere else today."


" Because my friend over there needs my help. " Sarah said.


"Victor." she said and went back to her seat. Ashley turned around to see Mr. Livingston standing at door. She quickly scanned the room and saw Charlie sitting alone. She went and sat next to him. Emily was sitting in front of her with Logan.

"Why are you sitting with me today?" Charlie whispered.

"Some Victor took my seat." she replied.

"Victor's back?" he said

"Yup and why are you so shocked" she said while pointing.

"Ashley!" the history teacher screamed.

"Me and the class would love to know what you and your friend Charlie were talking about."

Both Ashley and Charlie got up, the whole class looking at them. Sarah was trying to control her laugh.

" Nothing sir. We are really sorry sir." Charlie said. He nudged Ashley with his elbow.

"Yes sir, we are really sorry." Ashley said while looking at her shoes.

"OK. You both may sit down. If I see you both talking ever again in my class you both go straight to the principal's office. Last warning." he said angrily.

They both sat down and didn't talk to each other during the whole period. When the teacher left, Ashley said " What is with Victor? Why did your face lose colour when you heard his name?"

"My face never lost its colour. And there is nothing between me and Victor." he said and left the class immediately.

The guy Victor who was sitting with Sarah came up to Logan.

"LOGAN"Victor shouted

Logan saw him and his face lit up and he shouted "VICTOR!" back and the two hugged each other.

"Why does everyone I like have to be friends with him" Sarah who was now standing next to Ashley said.

"You like?" Ashley said in a teasing tone

Sarah's face turned red. Her face never turned red.
"I mean as a person. He is nice..."she said
"and cute.." Ashley said while laughing "I think Sarah has a crush."

"Nooooo! I just met him. And no one develops a crush so soon." she said but her face said something else. She liked Victor even though they just met. They way her faced turned red and the way she was looking at him right now just told Ashley that her best friend had a crush.

"OK. OK. We'll be late for Biology so let's go."

"OK." Sarah looked at Victor one last time and went with Ashley for Biology.


Sarah was standing in front of the notice board. She was reading the names of the students who were selected for the inter school sports meet that was going to be held later this semester.

These games were held every year between Greenville High, Robinson's High and Baskerville's. There were more than ten sports that were going to held. She wanted to get selected in the school team very badly. But instead of giving her name for sports like football or basketball she gave her name for cycling.

Only three people had given their name out of which two were supposed to get selected. She tried to find the cycling list. She found it and there was a smile on her face as her name was there.

When she was passing through the basketball court she saw a group of boys playing the game. She saw Emily sitting near the court and she went up to her.

"What are you doing here?" Sarah asked.

Emily was surprised.

"ah......nothing. Just came for some...ah...fresh air to.....to read my book" she lifted her book and showed it to Sarah.

" Ohhhkay...."

"What brings you here?"

"Oh I wanted to tell you something.....I had given my name for the the cycling team...about that.." she looked down

"What about it?" Emily asked her in a worried tone.

"....I got selected." Sarah replied with a huge smile on her face.
"That's great!" Emily said and hugged her friend.

"Sympathy hugs?" someone said. Both girls looked in the direction of the voice and saw Logan standing there with a ball in his hand.

"Sympathy! For what?" Sarah asked him.

"For not making into the basketball team?" he answered her question.

"I didn't give my name for it." she replied and went back to talking with her friend.

"So you didn't give your name....because.....you were scared that you wouldn't get selected." he interrupted again.

Sarah got up from the bench she was sitting on and went towards him and said, "I didn't give my name because I didn't want to not because I was scared, you get that Wet-head!"

Logan got angry since his face turned red.
"Don't call me that!"he said and moved towards her angrily. Even Sarah started moving towards him with anger.

Suddenly Emily came in between and whispered in Sarah's ear,"Do you want to get into trouble again."

Anger disappeared from Sarah's face and she soon realised what Emily was saying. She looked at the crowd that had gathered and was staring at her and turned around to walk back to her class.

"Got Scared Evans?" Logan said and started to laugh.

"Shut up!" Sarah said continued walking back.


I haven't posted in months and I apologize. But thing is that I didn't have any ideas.

So I can't guarantee that I will post every week. But I will try my best to post.

I would love to here what you all thought about the chapter.

Please comment and like.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2017 ⏰

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