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Jaime had opted for working at the library during his free periods. He had always loved reading books and library was the one place where one could never get bored. Mrs. Glenn, the librarian had asked him to check whether there was no one in the library as it was time to close the library.
He went to the back shelves to check, when he saw someone sitting on the floor. The person's head was against the wall and was staring up at the ceiling. He went closer and recognized that person. It was Sarah. Her beautiful brown hair were tied back in a pony tail. She was very pretty. Jaime had fallen for her beautiful brown eyes the day he had first met her. Jaime really liked Sarah. She was funny and cute. He just couldn't think of anything not to like.
"Hey!" he said to her. She looked at him.

"Hey! "she said back. Jaime went and sat next to her.

"I heard about you being taken to the principal's office. What happened?"he asked her.

"I got punishment. No p.e. for 2 weeks and Logan and I are supposed to clean the cafeteria." she said.

"Why did the principal call Emily?"he asked.

"To ask who had started the whole food fight."

"You were lucky then."

"Emily told Mr. White that it was me who had started the whole thing."she said

"So that's why your so upset."

"No. Yes... I don't know whether I am mad at her or at myself."

"Why would you be mad at yourself?"

"I don't know what is happening to me. I never did things that took me to the principal's office. I bet the principal told Jemma."

"Who is Jemma?"

"Jemma is my elder sister."

"Jemma Evans is your sister?"

"Yes. Why do ask?"

"She is the best student of her grade. I have heard many stories about her. She is best in academics as well as sports and that she has won a lot of awards."

"Yeah. See now I have done something to disappoint my parents and given the principal a wrong impression of who I am. I will never be able to be like her." she said with depressing tone. "wish I had never spilled that juice on Logan. If I just had some control over my anger."

"It's alright. You can still change the principal's impression about you. You have the whole year left. And you need to be like Jemma. Be yourself."

Sarah was looking at Jaime when he said that.

"Thanks Jaime."she said and hugged her. She smelled like jasmine and rose.

"I am supposed clean the cafeteria, so bye." she said and disappeared.

Jaime sat their kept on thinking about his conversation with Sarah.

Emily tried to follow Sarah but she had disappeared in the hallways. Emily went straight to her room. And saw Ashley sitting on their bed.
"What happened?"she asked"What did Mr white say?"
Emily told Ashley everything.
"I don't know why I said here name. I could have said something else.....but.... I don't know what happened to me there. I couldn't think of anything else to come up with"she said and sat next to Ashley..
"We'll find her together. Okay? And then you can tell her everything that you just said to me. I know she will forgive you." Ashley said and the both

Ashley always helped in patching things up between Sarah and her. She was the best, Emily thought.

"But before finding Sarah. I have to go somewhere. Wait for me." Emily said and went somewhere.

Ashley and Emily reached the cafeteria and saw Sarah cleaning the cafeteria along with Logan. Both of them took different corners and stayed out of each others way.

Emily went to Sarah.

"I am sorry." and a tear came rolling down her eye "I didn't know why I couldn't think of anything in front of the principal. I am sorry."

" It's alright." she said and hugged her friend.

"So you are not mad at me?" she asked her friend.
"No. If touched lied then both of us would.have been in deep trouble."

After hugging each other Emily and Ashley grabbed and mob from the janitor's closet.

"What are you two doing?" Sarah asked.
"We are going to help you clean." Ashley said.
"OK!" Sarah said with a smile on her face.
The two helped Sarah and Logan to clean the cafeteria.


Sarah had decided to reach the classes early like Emily. She left without waiting for Ashley and Emily. She was on her way to her history class.
"Excuse me!"someone called Sarah
She turned around to see a guy with blonde hair taller than Sarah with blue eyes that looked really good with his tanned colored skin. Sarah kept on staring him.
"Hey!"he said which got Sarah back into reality." I'm Victor. Could help me find the history class."

"Sure! I'm Sarah. How come I have never seen you around." she asked him while they went to the history class.

"I was out of town and therefore couldn't come at the starting of the term. I missed about 2 weeks of school. I have a lot to catch up...."he said and looked at Sarah.."...hey can you help me with all the work that's been done during the time I wasn't here."

"Sure why not?" Sarah replied with a big smile on her face.

"Thanks Sarah." Victor said and hugged her.
When he hugged her, Sarah started to blush and forgot all about cleaning the cafeteria and her not attending p.e. For two weeks.

You're welcome she said and the two went to the history class.

What did you guys think about Jaime and Sarah's conversation. What do you all think about Victor?

I have exams, so I will not be able to update for the next 2 weeks.

Love you guys <3

-Frangipani1 :-)

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