Getting to know you

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"Well this is team ten." Asuma said after the waiter took our orders. "I couldn't be more happy with my team!"

"Were happy to be on your team sensai!" Ino said

"She just trying to suck up to him." I whisper to Shikamaru who was sitting right next to me. He gave a quiet chuckle and gave me a smirk. "Oh, no your shoes are dirty! Here clean them on my face." I say imitating Ino.

"Yeah well it's a good thing we don't do that. It would take to much energy. It would be a drag" Shikamaru said not quiet enough so that Ino could hear us. She just lifted her nose and went back to listening to Asuma sen-say. I just roll my eyes and was just about to make a remark but our food had arrived. Choji downed his food and ordered even more. While waiting he tried to steal my food but anytime his hand got to close Asuki would start to growl and I would look up.

By the time we were finished Asuma's wallet was less than empty. I stood up and so did the rest. As we walked out the door the man behind the counter yet to Asuma "Remember Asuma! Tomorrow night, dished! Or i'll have to hunt you down." he said half jokingly.

We got to about the middle of the city when we parted ways. Shikamaru and I walked off in one direction, Ino and Asuma in another, and Choji by himself.

For the first little while Shikamaru and I didn't say anything to each other, but then it started to drizzle. "What a drag. Ugh, good thing I'm almost home. You gonna be ok going the rest of the way home by yourself?" Shikamaru asked as we approached his home.

I looked up at the clouds. It looks as though it's gonna be thunder tonight. I take a deep breath "Yeah I'll be ok, I'm stronger than I look." I gave him a little wink.

"All right then. Have a goodnight." and with that we arrived at his house and he entered.

I waited a second to make sure he was really in and wasn't gonna comeback out, when I was sure I broke into an all out sprint.

~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~

I was right there had been thunder last night. The clouds were lighter than last night. As usual I was first at the prearranged meeting spot. 

Of course I was first there.  Asuma said that we hadour first mission. He said since we're one of the best teams we got to start by bringing a scroll to a near by city.  I know it isn't much, but its a start and how can weget better missions if we don't pay our dues with the lesser missions?

Not ten minuets after I arrived so did Shikamaru with Choji.  "What a drag, this is to early to be here."

"I always have to get up this early and train, otherwise I lose Asuki.  Well not really train most of the time, normaly just lie down in my favorite feild and watch the clouds." I reply.  I see no reason I shouldn't tell them the truth. 

"Sounds like me.  My mom is always naging me to go out and practice.  So when I've had enough I just go to my field and lye down to take a nap.  She can be such a drag!". Shikamaru said.  wow that's strange.  we both have a feild we go to so we can relax.  Nah, we're both just lazy.  While I was thinking Choji was speaking.  I only caught the las not of his scentece. 

"That's why chips are my favorite snack!" Choji ended.  All I did was nod.  I think he was suspitios but before he said anything Ino and Asuma can into sight. 

"Have you two been kissin'?"  Ino asked in a flirting way.

"What no!" I say feeling my face heat up.  "Just shut up!"

"Ino, Azuma!  So I just spoke with the Hokage, and we are to deliver these scrolls to the land of the waves."  Asuma said grabing three scrolls.  "There should be no difficulty however I need each of you to have a--" raising his hands into air quotes " 'buddies' .  Shikamaru with Azuma, Ino with Chogi.  Ready?  Let's go!"   and with that we headed out.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Alright this looks like a good spot to rest.  Azuma, you and I will scout around,"  said Asuma. 

"Yes sir,"  I said. I took Asuki into my arms,and off we went.  "So *pant* how far are gonna go?"

"Just a small circle and you can tell me if Asuki or you can smell anything."Asuma said.  We made a full circle and didn't find anything so we went back to the resting spot.  When we got back we found Chogi eatting, Ino rambling on about Sauske, and Shikamaru asleep under a tree.  I looked over to Asuma and gave him a devilish grin!  I picked up Asuki and whispered in his ear.  Then placed her down.  He walked over to Shikamaru and lifted his leg.  Out came a flow of piss.  Shikamaru woke with a jolt and looked over at me laughing away.  Text thing I know I can't move.  

"Shadow possestion complete!  That's what happens when you mess with me!"  Shikamaru said to me.  Shikamaru released his hold on me and I looked at Asuki, he looked back at me. 

"BEAST HUMAN CLONE!" I yell.  There is a puff of smoke and Asuki turns into a exsact replika of me.  "I'll tell you what I'm gonna go into the woode s.  if you can catch the real me I'll apologise and pay for some Ramen, but if you catch Asuki first then you have to do what I say! Alright?"

"Fine.  Deal!"  Shikamaru said He has no idea what he's in for!

"Four leg tecnique!" I yell.  Both asuki and I run into the woods and split up.  We have a plan.  You see I'll hid near to the camp and Asuki will make a "noticable" trail.  Everything went as planed.  Five minutes later I could hear and smell Shikamaru enter the forest.  Three minuets went by and I was about to head into the clearing but when I went to move I couldn't. 

"Ha, I was wondering when you were gonna catch on.  So, when will our dinner date be?"

"How did you--WAIT A SECOND IT IS NOT A DATE!  All I said was I was.gonna pay for your Ramen! NOT A DATE!"  Now I couldn't care less that I lost.  I did NOT ask him on a date!  Just the nerve of him thinking that I would ask him on a date!  "Just release me and I'll go find Asuki."

"Nope, not until you apologise!". damn it I was hoping he had forgoten about that.

"Ugh, ok, fine I'm sorry I had Asuki pee on you while you were asleep." I said in a bitter tone.

He still didn't release. "No, you have to mean it!" He said with a devilish grin.

"That was never part of the agreement!"

"Yeah but now I have a hold on you and you have to copy me!".

Putting on my best fake smile with my most girly voice "I'm sorry I had Asuki pee on you sir!" I said with a slight sarcastic tone. 

"Perfect, now say it just like that infront of all the others!"   he said while he relased  his justsu from me.  I was embarised I could feel my cheeks turning red but before Shikamaru could see me I sped off to find Asuki. 

She wasn't very hard to find considering that she made her trail very obvious.  "Asuki!  Where are you? He found me!  Come out come out where ever you are!"  I yell while jumping from tree to tree! 

"Aroo!" I hear from a near by tree.  A big poof of smoke surrounded both me and Asuki.  He came dashing over to me and hoped on my head.  I stopped and turned on my heals and started twoards the camp. 

A/N sorry for all the mispellings I'm doing this on a Tablet.  Im also sorry for the preemptive publishing.  So I'll try and get another chapter up.

{DISCONTINUED}    Not a Drag (Shikamaru Love story)Where stories live. Discover now