In The Park

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"Heh Heh, see I knew this was gonna be fun!"  Tenzi said pulling me into th middle of feild.  "Isn't this nice?  The sun is setting, isn't it romantic?"

"Uh, I guess so..." I replied unsure, to think the truth I have never been on a date before.  "Is this all we're gonna do?" I said lying down looking at the sky, the stars slowly apearing.  I started to look for constilations, I speant so much of my time looking at the sky it was kinda hard to not know them.  

"We don't have to, we can do something else if you want, what do you want to do?" He said leaning over me.

"I don't know what do you do on a first date?" I said pushing him aside so I could sit up without kissing him.  "I mean how should be acting?"

"Well first off you don't push me away like you just did," He said standing up, "And next follow me I know exactly where we should go!" He said offering me his hand.  I took it and he pulled me up.

"Where are we going this time?"  There was a Russel of a bush behind me.  I looked behind me, but I was almost immediately pulled away by Tenzi.  

"Come on Azuma!  We have to get going!" He said looking over his shoulder and running forward.  "Come on hurry!  Let's hurry!"

"At least tell me where we're going!" I yelled trying to gain my footing.  I heard another bush Russel.  I planted my feet on the ground.  Tenzi tugged on my arm again but I didn't move.  "Wait," I said pulling my arm from his grasp.  I closed my eyes and looked for nearby chakra, I found nothing.  Hmmm must have been the wind. I thought  "Ok, sorry for the delay."

"Every thing good?" Tenzin asked tilting his head a little.  He didn't even wait for me to reply before he grabbed my arm and start to tug me away.  I stumbled forward to try and keep pace with him. 

We arived at a little shop just outside the the town, it was very small, but when we walked in I got that home feeling.  A little woman greeted us at the door, "Oh Tenzi welcome back!  Who is the beautiful young lady you brought with you?"  She said looking me up and down.

"Hello Mrs. Zaki, this is Asuma.  We would like a table for two please." Tenzi said.  He must come here quite often. I thought.  The woman nodded and showed us to our table.  "Thank you, two of you specials, please." Tenzi said sitting down.  with that she went off to the kitchen.  "Isn't this nice?  I love this little restaurant!  They're like my family."

"It's very home-y, It's....errr....umm...cute." I said struggling to find the right words.  Tenzi's nice and all, but I just don't think he's right for me.  We just sat there in awkwardness til the food came.  "It smells really good, thank you!" I said to the woman as she brought out the food.

"Mrs. Zaki makes the best meals, That's why I brought you here."  Tenzi said, seeming to struggle to find a topic to talk about.  I fixed my skirt once or twice.  I still can't believe I'm wearing a skirt!   Why am I even on this date?  Tenzi and I had small talk all the way through dinner.  "So, what next?" Tenzi asked as he was paying the bill.

"I think I should head back, but it was a errr...nice night." I said.  I didn't specifically enjoy it, I would have rather beaten Shikamaru at Shogi again.

"Alright," Tenzi said standing up and offering me his hand.  "I know a short-cut through the forest to get back to town."  

As we left the little shop I felt we were getting farther and farther away from town, "Are you sure this is a short cut?" I said looking around.

~~~~~~~~20 minutes later~~~~~~~~~~ (Warning graphic! Kinda Fluffy)

"Yeah I'm sure." Tenzi said, but suddenly he turned and pinned me on a tree.  

"Tenzi! What are you--"

"Shhhh...Just let this happen!" Tenzi said.  He got so close to me, I couldn't move.  What's happening?  Suddenly he started lifting up my shirt.  

"What are you doing? Stop it!" I yelled, that only seemed to entice him more.  I knew it!  This isn't the way to the town!  I tried to wiggle free, but it was no use.  I could feel him starting to harden.  My skirt was starting to ride up.  "NO!  Why are you doing this?!" Tenzi only moaned.  

"This will be over in a little while.  Trust me you'll enjoy it." He pulled his pants down while still having a firm grip on me.  I started to scream!  Out of nowhere Tenzi just stopped.

~~~~~~~~(Fluffy Part is over now)~~~~~~~~~~

"Release her!" I knew that voice!

"Shikamaru!"  I yelled overwhelmed with joy!

"What?! I can't move! How are you doing this?"  Tenzi asked still pinning me to the tree.  Slowly he stifly walked away from me.  

"I told you to get away from her!  Asuma can you escape?" Shikamaru said coming into light.  I wiggled free and dashed to Shikamaru's side.  "So what happened to that monster strength of yours?" Shikamaru teased.  

"He caught me off guard!  Is this really the time to be talking about this?"  I asked slightly annoyed.  "Anyway, I can handle him now.  I got him with his pants down."  Shikamaru released his grip on Tenzi and I marched over to him, and swung a punch, a near miss.  This only agitated me more. Right, Right, Left, uppercut.  All direct hits.  Tenzi lay motionless on the ground.  I kicked him one more time and turned to Shikamaru.  "Now then, what were you doing here?" I asked aprotching him slowly.  

Shikamaru began to back up.  "Oh, I was, ummm.....getting worried...yeah getting." He said nervously.

"Uhuh, are you sure you didn't follow us all night?  I saw you in the meadow." I said lying slightly.

"Oh, dang I thought I hid my chakra well." He said blushing slightly.

An evil smirk spread across my face "You did, I had a feeling you were there, but you just confirmed it."

"Oh, dang....ok, so if you don't tell anyone about that, I wont tell anyone that you needed me to save you."  Shikamaru said rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Alright deal, BUT I don't have to apologize to you, or pay for your dinner." I said trying to get a little more out of the deal.

"How about you still have to pay for my meal, however you don't have to apologize."  Shikamaru said holding his hand out for me to shake if I agreed to his terms.  

"Deal," I said Grabbing his hand and shaking it.  "Now lets head home." I said forgetting about Tenzi.

"Umm, Azuma, are you forgetting something?" Shikamaru said pointing to Tenzi's, still,  un-moving body.

"Oh, right!  Thanks for reminding me!" I exclaimed.  I walked over to his body and gave him one more good, hard kick.  He went rolling.  "Let's get going shall we?  You must be hungry."  And with that we walked back to the house.  Just laughing and joking all the way home.  


 A/N: Sorry about that fluffy part, but I really wanted to set the mood!  Any way I know it isn't that long but I'll make the next one longer. ~PlaidPrint

{DISCONTINUED}    Not a Drag (Shikamaru Love story)Where stories live. Discover now