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Jamie's POV

I woke up to the sound of an incoming Skype call. I checked the time. 9:36. I jumped up, I didn't even edit videos last night. I had to get two videos up before ten and I only had one edited. I accepted the call, not even looking at who it was from. "Hey! I know it's kind of early, but I wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out today." Sean asked, with the energy of a five year old on a sugar rush. I rubbed my eyes and answered 'I just have to edit and upload two videos by eleven. Do you think you could come over to my place?" I asked groggily. Sean said yes and left me to edit and upload the videos. I finished right at 10:50. Sean was coming over at 1 so I had time to do whatever. I yawned and went into the living room. Riley was making some coffee with a towel wrapped around her body. "Good afternoon J. What took so long?" Riley asked not even looking up from her mug. "I guess all the sleep deprivation caught up to me. Sean is coming over so try to put on some clothes before 1. Oh and that's a sofa-bed so just tell me before you go to bed and I'll set you up," I said pointing at the couch. Riley nodded and took her coffee into the bathroom where she put on yesterday's clothes. I made myself some toast and Riley left to go back to her apartment for all of her stuff, which wasn't much. I checked the stats on the collaboration with Sean. SWEET JESUS HALF A MILLION VIEWS ALREADY! I stepped back from my computer in awe. I checked Sean's channel. HIS HAD TWO MILLION VIEWS FROM YESTERDAY! I texted him on FaceBook, telling him about the views. He screamed in all caps, "FUAWEFO IN  MYE WAYR". I guess he was on his way. I texted Riley and told her that he was on his way now. 

I heard a knock at my door thirty minutes later. I opened it and braced myself. "HOLY SHIT HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!" Sean said in a volume a little lower than a scream. I laughed and hugged him. "If I knew I would tell you," I said in a calmer tone. We went to my bedroom where my computer was and looked at the stats. Every time we refreshed the page more and more views and likes came in. My Twitter was flooded with "r u guyz datin?" and so was Sean's. "Should we make another video?" I asked Sean. He took off his backpack and pulled out a camera. 

We made another challenge video, this time the "Chubby Bunny" one. After I saved the video we just talked and scrolled through and replied to comments. My subscribers had skyrocketed. 714,000 subs in almost four hours. I made a quick thank you tweet and decided that I would make the video the next day. Sean and I decided to take a break from the stats and just talk. "So, I was wondering...did you want to go back to my town and maybe have some dinner?" Sean asked. I agreed and texted Riley the instructions to the sofa-bed. The train ride contained laughter, IRL lenny faces, and lots of hand holding. 

When we got back to Sean's house, he had already thawed out some chicken. We used a recipe off of the Internet and made some pretty good chicken. During dinner, Sean started to get serious. "Listen, I know it's really early, but I honestly feel like this is going somewhere. Like this is different than my past relationships," Sean said holding my hand. I nodded and leaned over the table to kiss him. He brushed his fingers through my hair. Throughout the night, clothes fell off, hickeys were given, and giggles filled the air.

Hallo my readers. I know it's been a while but I have decided to really go through with this fanfiction. Thank you for the support.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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