(Back at the House of Lords)(Ruby's POV)
"When will you ever learn brother I remember when you were a baby when I first held you made a little cloud just by jiggling." she said remember how Equinox was made and how he become the Lord Of Rage,"Mother told me boys would be trouble but you were just a baby. Father knew I had nothing to worry about Equinox....you were clingy to me and you always did a little bit didn't trust Mesa, I have no idea why." As she walked around she began to think out loud." She looked at the world globe watching her little brother. "In human years you've been alive for 16 years they call it a birthday,but it hard for me not to see you smile." "Cause I was hoping I didn't have to do this ,but Mesa claims I baby you too much." Stating now I need to be a leader or else you would've destroy everything I mostly think it's because of what happened to mother and father...." She hear Mesa. she giggles "What are you doing sister" Mesa enters the room she looks down and she sees her brother Equinox looking at the board. "He's learning math." she says with a smile. "He hates us." Ruby replied "he hates everything." Mesa replied rolling her eyes. "Maybe he'll learned his lesson in school" Mesa snickered "If Equinox was here? He tried to fight you for saying that ." Ruby said. Ruby then thought what if she could help him without Mesa finding out and finding someone to guide him or to befriend him. "My dearest brother one day I hope you can stop that evil in your heart I know you don't remember much when you were a baby ,but you were such a lovely baby sometimes I wonder? Is Mesa right? No, i think other wise." The hardest part was finding someone that will be helpful,but she didn't to move a finger and cute young lady she saw was looking at her little brother through her globe how sweet that to see the girl is actually looking at him at first she thought Does her brother knows that girl was looking at him. "What were you about to do sister" Mesa looking at Ruby "Nothing......just...nothing" she said .Ruby looked at Equinox and the girl he makes the girl jump out of chair he helps her up and they began to talk then they leave the room "Sister you did the right thing our brother will thank us when he comes back." Mesa said confidently. Ruby began to cry "AND WHAT IF HE DOESN'T LEARN OR MAYBE HE'LL NEVER LEARN ,HE'LL BE THERE ON EARTH AND STAY MAD AT US FOR PUTTING HIM BE THERE" she said to Mesa crying in her arms shaking . Mesa sighed "Well maybe we can find a way to contact him there" she said Ruby hugged her sister tighter "He might not answer nor want to....because I abandoned him" She whined. Then, she look at the world globe and saw a dark most coming from Equinox " Sister I think our brother is using his power" Mesa looks "I didn't think his human body can withstand his power it must be limited it ...he can't do no real harm...right?" I was worried for a moment if Equinox had his powers. It would not be good for the anyone "Ummm....Maybe if we tell him about mother and father maybe he'll ....." NO we can't tell him especially since he's down there" I quickly replied "I'm so sorry brother but all secret must stay silent I promised the witch not to tell you till you were ready."
The Lord Of Rage: What Is Life
Action16years ago, Jace Von Longway was not a normal baby,he was really Equinox, the Lord Of Rage and the reason he was sent to our realm was because his sisters we're tried of him making wars,destroying lives ,and diseases to earth,so they want him to l...