VIII. A Chance Arrangement

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Macayla slept in some to give the merchants time to get to their stalls and open up for the day so she wouldn't appear out-of-the-ordinary; she arrived with other visitors and locals. She also bought an apple to break her fast as she browsed the stalls and also for further appearances' sake of innocence.

She quickly spotted Madesi's stall; he specialized in jewelry. His scales ranged from dark green to light green and darker shades of blue. He constantly wore a genuine smile on his face as he showcased his merchandise. The gray-skinned Dark Elf, Brand-Shei, was positioned ten feet across from him, with a well splitting them evenly; he sold a variety of things, including jewelry. He didn't appear as friendly as the Argonian, trying to close a deal as soon as possible—probably why Madesi had a steadier flow of customers. She could see how one wanted to eliminate the other out of competition, if that was even the reason.

Macayla studied the layout of the marketplace—the waist-high stone wall encircling the entire marketplace would provide extra cover for her—laying out the best route to take from Madesi's stall to Brand-Shei. She memorized the pattern of the Riften guards patrolling the marketplace. Beside Brand-Shei's stall were stacked crates that Brynjolf said he sits on when listening to exuberant merchants—like the one he was to portray—hawking their merchandise. Positive she was prepared, she stopped at Madesi's stall like she was interested in the necklaces and rings displayed in a small display case.

"Greetings, landstrider. May I interest you in some of my work?"

She looked up at him. "You make these?"

He nodded. "Of course. I am one of the last Saxheel Jewelers in all of Skyrim."

"That's quite impressive."

"Everyone! Everyone! Gather 'round! I have something amazing to show you that demands your attention!" That was Brynjolf's voice, projecting loudly to be heard throughout the noisy marketplace.

She turned like everyone else. Brynjolf—dressed as finely as last night—stood in a stall at the front of the marketplace. He looked across all the faces, turning to him with a gleaming eye. Beside him were red phials of varying sizes holding his 'miraculous'—and fake—Falmerblood Elixir.

"You need to hear this!"

People started herding toward him like oblivious sheep to the butcher's house. Macayla noticed Madesi moving around his stall to go listen too.

She thought to further portray her cluelessness. "What's going on?"

"Brynjolf's back with some potion. The last one didn't work too well, though; I wonder what this one is supposed to do..."

Macayla joined the crowd gathering near Brynjolf; she stayed by Madesi but slightly behind him so he wouldn't accuse her of not being there. She also saw Brand-Shei sitting on the crates facing Brynjolf as predicted, leaving his back vulnerable to her slipping Madesi's ring into his pocket.

"What is it this time, Brynjolf?" Brand-Shei asked.

"Patience, Brand-Shei. This is a rare opportunity, and I wouldn't want you to be left out.

"Lads and lasses, I give you, Falmerblood Elixir!" He hoisted up the largest phial for emphasis. "One sip of the elixir and your wishes will be granted. Great wealth, everlasting life, or perhaps limitless power could be yours!"

She remained with the mass, innocently eating her apple, until she saw the guard walk by in predictability of his routine patrol. She now had seven minutes before he completed his rotation.

Macayla casually stepped back out of the crowd; once behind everyone's back, she crouched down as she turned for Madesi's stall. She slipped around to where he stands, bit her apple to hold it—freeing her hands—and set to unlocking the gate protecting his strongbox. It came open in no time; she slid it open to reveal the black strongbox.

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