Her Good Side

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Soooo, here's Chapter two...it's kinda short, but the next one will be long and filling i promise. :)

I looked around seeing that I’m in a big white room with white walls, carpet, furniture, and curtains…where am I?? I heard the sound of flesh hitting flesh and soft sobs. I followed the sound to another room that was almost the same, but had black furniture. What I saw stopped me dead in my tracks….I stood there shocked as I watched a tall, muscular, and dark man beat Unique with his fist. A sudden rage went through me and the next thing I know….I’m kicking him against his temple, sending him to the floor. I stood above him and started punching and punching him in his face, until I saw blood. Someone pulled me off. I looked around wildly, and saw Unique’s face….bloody, a long cut running down her lip, her eye swollen shut with a purplish, black color surrounding it. I continued to stare at her. I wanted to comfort her. I reached out to touch her face, when she spoke. “wake up Saint….SAINT!”she yelled. Wha…what?? I jolted out of my sleep, looking around. I was still in class. I sighed….a bad dream. “Saint” an annoying voice called. I turned around and came face to face with Unique. Her face was still as beautiful and angelic as ever. I didn’t realize I was staring, until she slapped me upside my head. I frowned and rubbed my head. “violent much?” I said. She smirked and rolled her eyes. “in case you hadn’t noticed, we’re late for class cus you want to sleep all day” she said. I looked at my watch and saw that we were three minutes late for 2nd period. I grabbed my bag and got up stretching. I grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the classroom. “damn, will you let me go?” she screeched. I grinned and pulled her closer. “will you ever come back if I do?” I whispered in her ear. An almost unnoticeable blush crept onto her beautiful face, before she pulled back and punched me in my chest. Oooooow shiiiiit that hurt….gorilla hands….what the hell. “you’re such a pervert, just cus you’re cute doesen’t mean every girl is going to fall to her knees for you!” she said. I grinned and raised my eyebrow. “you think I’m cute?” I asked. Excuse me for my cockiness, but when I’m near her, I feel the need to impress her, to know what she thinks. She blush a deep red and frowned. “no…you know what, I don’t need your help anyway, I’ll find my own way.” She turned to walk off, but I grabbed her arm. “look I’m sorry…let me at least walk you to class.” I said gently. She looked at me for a minute before nodding. I smiled. “let me see your schedule.” I said. She handed me her schedule. I looked at it and sighed. She only has two classes with me and lunch. Oddly, I felt really disappointed. Well her class is right across the hallway from mine, so I could wait for her. “come on, I’ll walk you to your class since it’s right across from mine. She nodded and a slight look of disappointment flashed across her eyes for a second, well at least I thought it did. I grabbed her hand and pulled her to her next class. We stopped in front of her classroom door and I opened it. “sorry Mrs. Green.” I said to my old physics teacher. “had to show the new girl around.” She smiled and welcomed Unique to the class. While she was talking to Unique, I noticed that all the dudes were staring at her, mouths on the floor. I glared at them and turned to Unique. “well I’ll be waiting for you when class ends….see you later Mrs G.” I said a little angrily. The minute I walked into class, my POP teacher yelled at me. “why are you late to my class sir?” he asked. Damn…does everybody think I’m a guy? I shrugged, he’ll figure out soon. “I was showing the new girl around Mr. Sanchez.” I said, rolling my eyes. “don’t let it happen ok son?” he said. “I’m not your son dumbass.” I mumbled and walked to take a seat in the back of the class. I lay my head on my desk, and fell asleep thinking about my beauty.

So, Saint is kind of edging to Unique’s good sideJ…..anyway….i was thinking of putting the next chap. In Unique’s POV…..let me know what you think..comment and vote J It’ll be much longer than this chap.

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