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"All I have to do is surrender. All I have to do is trust, and I will endure."


"Hey T, we heard what happened, are you okay?" Monty and Jasper question me as I eat my nuts and berries. Last night was a whirlwind and I was trying to forget about it but my chest throbbed constantly, reminding me of the events of last night.

"I've been better." I shrug.

"Well, I made you something." Jasper says handing me a cup filled with blackish brownish liquid.

"What is it?" I ask him taking a whiff of it. It smells of vanilla and coffee bean, I eye Jasper curiously wondering if it could actually be coffee. He then confirms my suspicion.

"It's coffee." He smiles and my eyes go wide.

"Seriously?" I take a sip of it right away and the liquid is actually warm and it almost tastes exactly like the coffee on the ark. But better. The bitter but rich flavor relaxed me and instantly put me into a better mood.

"Thank you so much!" I pull Jasper and Monty into a hug. They always know how to cheer me up without actually having to say anything.

"Oh and Miller told me to tell you that everyone is talking to their families on the computer system we set up last night. He said if you wanted to talk to your dad you can." Monty explains to me. For a second I'm happy that finally I can talk to my dad but I realized that I haven't even talked to him in 3 years. He never once visited me in the skybox, I knew he always had access because he had visited sick prisoners before. But he never once came to see me, I don't know why. I never knew why. Maybe I can get some answers.

"Thanks, I'll go do that right now." I tell them as I walk over to the dropship while still taking sips of my coffee.

"Hey, Connor is just about to say goodbye to his parents then you can get on." Miller tells me, there's a parachute blocking us from the computer so everyone can get privacy with their families. Connor pops out and nods to Miller.

"You're up, just tell whoever is on the screen who you want to talk to." Miller tells me and I nod and go in. A lady with black hair and faint grey hairs is sitting on the other end, must be Connor's mom. I smile as I sit down.

"Can you get me Dr. Queen." I tell her. She smiles and gets up. As I'm waiting I notice someone come into view and sit down. The guy has a guards uniform on and when the camera shows his face my eyes widen. It's Jack. I thought after Monty and Jasper gave me coffee that my day would be going better. Obviously not.

"Hey, babe." He smirks.

"Don't call me that, what do you want? Where's my dad?" I ask. I would've gotten up and left but I wanted to talk to my dad.

"What? You don't miss me?"

"Not one bit."

"Look, we'll be coming down there soon enough. And you won't be locked up anymore and maybe..." He smiled but it lacked confidence. He always had a nice smile, the kind that a girl can just swoon over, it's what pulled me in. Yes, Jack was very attractive. He had brown hair that he usually styled up, he has blue grey eyes, and his jaw line is very prominent. He was around Bellamy's height and had a decent build but I couldn't help but compare him to Bellamy. Bellamy was just better in all aspects. Even if he's a jackass at the moment. When I first met Jack I thought he was hot as hell but his personality makes him ugly and I can't stand the sight of him.

"You're insane if you think that's going to happen. We are never going to happen again. Now, let me talk to my dad." I explain hoping maybe it will get through to him. I can't believe he's talking about this right now. Hasn't he heard what's going on down here? There's no time for any of this drama.

Queen | b. blake Where stories live. Discover now