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  My name is Fayleen "Faye" Lyric Tragedy Phoenyx, I am a 27-year-old drummer of a 'rock' band called Those Forgotten. Let's just say that I am not a normal person for many reasons- one of which being the fact that I'm the only living part of my blood family. Yes, I am an orphan. The worst part for me of being an orphan is that the memory of my family dying in front of my very own eyes will haunt me until I die. I was orphaned at age 12 and for 3, maybe 4, years after that, I was put in a mental institute with everyone thinking that this was the best option due to the psychological pain I was in. In the institute, The doctors put me on several antidepressants hoping to "help me", but they didn't work so the doctors experimented on what worked and what didn't. After lots of testing and nothing working, the doctors didn't get it and continued to experiment and it slowly turned me into a zombie with no sense of who I was. All I did was work on school work because in their eyes I still had to finish high school. So, I was an unknowing victim, I finished school early for my age. This resulted in the institute putting me through the beginning part of college. This all happened before my best and only friend at the time, Alexis, snapped me out of this 'trance' of pills in pills out and school work. Sadly that place took my teenage years.

Once I was brought to my senses, I started to truly recover from my family's death. I talked to the doctors and slowly got off the meds and regained sanity. Though I was far from the end of my recovery it helped to be able to think for myself again. To help recover I started writing everything down and soon used those words to write songs despite never feeling comfortable singing. I preferred to play instruments, my favorite being the drums. The instruments helped calm my nerves, they helped a lot. Soon after being released from the institute, I went to live with Alexis and she helped me make a few friends who would soon become my band mates and a family for me. My band mates were: Kaikane or Kai for short, he is the bassist and backup singer of the band who grew up as a native Hawaiian who left Hawaii because his family disowned him for being gay. Kiyoshi who we call Yoshi, he is the lead guitarist of the band who grew up being an outcast to his family because he was the product of his mother being raped. Forest is the rhythm guitarist and main singer, he is definitely the most outgoing of the group, he grew up being bullied in elementary but high school was the bad boy who didn't care what people thought of him as long as he could be himself. Forest and Kai have been dating each other for a while and the day they legalized gay marriage Forest proposed to Kai and they plan to get married on Halloween with a geek theme to the wedding.

We are a punk/post-hardcore/ progressive rock band with three albums (Secrets Untold, Misplaced, and Re-living Death). We are about to go on our first full-length Warped tour. We were on the tour a few years ago, but Kai broke his arm half way through so we had to stop and head home so he could recover. This year we plan to stay the whole time. We have a few friends that are coming on Warped too, so it will be a grand ol' time, I just wish I could see into the future and see us having fun, but alas, I will just have to deal with anxiously packing and preparing for the tour.

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