21. Dresses

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I lifted an eyebrow. "You aren't getting married until May, and that's months from now. Why are you making me look through catalogs?"

Kelsey beamed up at me from where she was laying on her bedroom floor, flipping through magazines. "Because you're the maid of honor, Ryder! You're going to plan the bachelorette party, and the dresses, and you can help me pick the colors; I'm thinking pink and white. What do you think? Pink and white? But that would mean some of the bridesmaids wore white too...aren't I the only one meant to be wearing white? Since I'm getting married." She giggled uncontrollably and rolled over a couple times, wiggling her feet in the air when she got back on to her stomach. "I can't believe it!"

I laughed quietly.

She paused and looked up at me again. "You'll get married too you know."

I snorted.

"You will, I promise."

"To who?"

"Well..." she hesitated, her pale blue eyes swirling a little bit. "I'm...not sure exactly. I would've said Corey if you asked me a year ago, and Cain if you asked me a few months ago, but..." Kelsey tilted her head. "I'm not sure now."

"Are they coming to your wedding?"

Once again she hesitated. "You know I don't like Corey...but I know you love him."

"I hate loving him," I growled, flipping through a different magazine. "I'd rather die alone than keep throwing away my life for him. Is that a yes then?"

"I haven't exactly made invitations yet. But I do plan on it. Both of them. Unless you don't want me to of course. Ooh!" she squealed, pushing a picture at me. "Ryder! Look at this dress, oh my God, it's so so pretty I would look amazing in this!"

I tilted my head at the picture and shook my head. "No. You need something more...you." After a moment I looked at her with consideration. "I have an idea as to what you can wear as your something blue though. Kale made me a bracelet when I was younger. It's too small for me to wear now but you're pretty tiny and I thought maybe--"

Kelsey suddenly jumped up and threw her arms around me.

Surprise radiated through me. "What? What did I do?"

"You want to let me wear something Kale made for you?" she sounded like she was crying again.

"Sure. He would have liked you, and you're pretty much my sister which makes him your brother too." I laughed quietly. The bracelet was in a box somewhere in my house, probably the attic, but it was very pretty. I'd never really looked at it after he died, but I knew it was blue. She tightened her arms around me and I laughed again. "Alright, get off, it's not a big deal."

"Of course it's a big deal, Ryder," she murmured before releasing me. She fixed her makeup and took a deep breath. "I have no idea on what kind of dress I want. Help?"

"I thought I was picking bridesmaid dresses."

"Please Ryder, this is stressing me out."

I shook my head a little. Their wedding was going to be on their fifth anniversary--May 30--and it was February first. Yet here she was, already worried about everything. Still, I got off her bed and sat on the ground with her, picking up a magazine. As soon as I flipped the first page I raised my eyebrow. "You said you want the theme to be pink and white, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I think I found your dress." Turning the page, I showed Kelsey the picture of the dress. It was fluffy and white and had small floral designs going down the front as well as down one of the sides. If it had been a different color, even I would have found it to be beautiful. It was just so...Kelsey.

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