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I looked at Ryder, who was sitting up side down on the couch and panting. 

"You should've helped, you ass," she growled at me.

"Hey, I moved the bed in to the back bedroom all by myself and more than half of the boxes, I don't want to hear it." I sat down on the couch next to her and lifted an eyebrow at her. "It's not even a heavy couch, we bought it for like twenty bucks at a garage sale and I got it in the truck by myself."

She sighed, sitting up and kissed me.

"Is this your attempt at making me move the rest on my own?" I mumbled as I kissed her back, pulling her on to my lap.

She grinned against my lips. "Maybe. Depends. Is it working?"


"Boys are so easy." She laughed and kissed me one more time, sitting back to look at me.

"It's not fair," I grumbled, "God gave men a brain and a dick but only enough blood to operate one at a time."

She rolled her eyes at me and stood up. "C'mon, go move stuff. Mush."

"Did you just say 'mush' as if I'm a sled dog?"

"Yes because you're whining like a bitch now c'mon, Corey."

I sighed and got up, leaning down to kiss her again.

She grinned and ducked away from me. "Nope. You get more kisses when you finish moving the boxes inside. Since I'm the one that's probably going to have to unbox everything, you're gonna have to move them in yourself. I'm gonna order us a pizza." Ryder kissed my cheek swiftly and disappeared in to the apartment.

I glared half heartedly in her direction. Damn I loved this woman, but she was difficult sometimes. Looking back at the moving truck, then at the apartment, I sighed and started bringing stuff in.

* * * * *

"Yeah, I know, Kelsey, that's why it's called 'terrible twos'. They're meant to be getting dirty and causing trouble and stuff, they're kids. Can't you just make Jason punish them or something?" Ryder paused and laughed. "Oh he did, did he? Sounds like someone is trying to create a daddy's girl if he's favoring Skyler like that." She paused. "Hey, it's your fault for having twins, you have to deal with it. If Toby threw mud at her and she threw rocks back, you have to scold both of them, not just tell Skyler she's a good shot and give her a cookie like Jason did."

"Tell Skyler I said good job!" I called a bit loudly at the phone in hopes that Kelsey would hear me. There was a muffled voice and Ryder grinned at me.

"She said you're not allowed to babysit anymore."

I snorted. "As if. Those kids love me."

She paused. "I'm not sure, I'll ask Corey." Ryder held the phone away a little. "Can you give two year olds ice cream?"

"Hell if I know."

"He said it's better to say no and be wrong than to say yes and be wrong," Ryder replied to Kelsey. "I'm gonna go with him on this one." She paused. "No, sorry, I can't babysit on Friday, Emily's graduating elementary school and I promised I would be there to watch her and take pictures, and Cain's in town too so we're going out with Corey's family for dinner that night if you want to join. Alright, talk to you later then, have fun." Ryder laughed when she hung up. "Toby broke a plate, she had to go."

I chuckled. "He's gonna be trouble."

She nodded in agreement. "He tried to hug a girl at DayCare and she started crying." Ryder smirked at me. "So really he sounds like he's gonna take after you."

"God forbid," I snorted, "the last thing the world needs is another me."

Ryder rolled her eyes at me and chewed on her pizza more slowly. "I'll be right back." She got up and jogged out of the room and I watched her with concern.

I finished my pizza, tossing the crust to Sky, and went after her, knocking on the bathroom door lightly. "Hey, you okay? Can I come in?"

"If you come in I will injure you," she replied.

"Alright." I sat down on the floor across from the bathroom and sighed. Maybe she was on her period again. Girls threw up on their periods, right? Er...or did they? Three years with Ryder and I still had no idea what actual period symptoms were. She randomly swung from "fuck you" to "no wait come back I need snuggles" to "did I fucking ask you to touch me" to "babe can you get me some ice cream". Then again I'd probably be pretty pissed if I spent seven days a month bleeding too, so. I sat on the floor, waiting, for about five minutes. "Ryder c'mon, do you need to go to the doctor?"

She came out of the bathroom with a blank face and I looked up at her expectantly. "Um..." she cleared her throat. "Nope, no I do not need a doctor."

"What's wrong?"

"Um...well I know we just moved in and everything but I think we'll need to move soon."

"Unless there's a dead body in the bathroom there's no chance in Hell I'm moving all of our shit back in to that truck." It wasn't that I believed in ghosts...but I did. If someone died in the apartment there was no chance of me sticking around, because I was the hot one, and the hot one always died second, right after the black guy.

"We're gonna need a bigger apartment."


Ryder held out a stick. There were two blue lines on it and I blinked in surprise.

"Um. What does that mean?"

"It means we need a bigger apartment."

I tried to comprehend what she was saying and get my head around it completely. Was she saying...

"And that you should start looking at names for kids."

I wrapped my arms around her hard, yanking her against me and hugged her tightly against me. "I love you, Ryder." When I pulled back, she grinned up at me. I smiled back and hugged her against me again.

"I guess you're gonna have to marry me now," she decided.

* * * * *

Kelsey's P.O.V

Lacey looked across the table at my dad, drumming her fingers on the table absently; it was the only sound in the silence. Anger was pulling at my stomach as I looked at the woman that had abandoned my best friend.

"What in Hell's name are you doing back here, Lacey?" my father asked finally.

"I went to check on Ryder and she wasn't at the house. All of her things were gone."

"Well she is an adult now. If you dont remember, she's twenty one."

"I know how old my daughter is,"she growled quietly. "What I don't know is where she is."

"I reckon she moved out with that albino kid. I'm not sure exactly where though," he lied.

"Well you'd better find her."

His eyes glinted in reply.

Lacey sighed and stood up. "It's been a lovely visit and all, but I have to go."

"Alright." He stood and walked her to the door and I stared in slight surprise. My dad never followed anyone to the door unless he has something to say.

"You know, Lacey," he started when he got to the door and walked her out, "I've always wondered what I would say to you if you ever came to get Ryder, and I was never sure what it'd be. But I think I figured out what I want to say to you after all these years."

She waited with a bored look. "What?"

"Stay the Hell away from my daughter." Then he shut the door.

Annddd the end. :D Lol I hope you liked the epilogue, thanks soooo much for reading I love you guys sooo much <3

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