The new student

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Sonia would go on scenarios in Film class, all kinds of scenario that exist and something

- Natan, you and Thaddeus gave up that idea get me a girlfriend? -Caleb Asked worried for Natan

- Of course not, we will never give up - Natan spoke laughing

- But will the girl think I'm a sucker or something

- I never told anyone this, but I really envy her blue eyes

- Do you think it would take an interest in my eyes?

- Pozhaluysta, davat' vam i sdelat' nemnogo tishiny ? Ili vy predpochli by pogovorit' snaruzhi?   (Please, do gives you two do a little silence Or rather talk outside?) - Sonia speaks nervously, opening the door for the two

At that moment a blonde student enters the running room

  - K sozhaleniyu , ya opozdal , menya zovut Galinda   (Sorry I'm late, my name is Galinda) - She speaks looking for a place to sit

Galinda sits next to Caleb

- Net problem , yesli ya sizhu zdes' ?    (Is that a problem if I sit here?) - Galinda speaks staring Caleb eyes

- No - Caleb responds and turns to Natan

- Deystvitel'no li amerikantsy ?   ( Are Americans ? )

- British people

  - U vas yest' velikolepnyye glaza . Siniy , kak more . Kak tebya zovut ?  (You have gorgeous eyes. Blue as the sea. What's your name?)

- Caleb

- Kaleb , krasivoye imya  (Caleb, beautiful name)

- Man, she's so into you - Natan speaks laughing

- Natan, crazy? She has just arrived

Natan takes his cell phone and start typing a message to Tadeu, so it ends Kamila comes a message on mobile phone

- My mogli by znat'  (We could know)

- Of course yes

Nathan gets up from his desk and goes to sneak out of the room and you will find Kamila near the restrooms, he sees that she was all smiles

She grabs the hand of Natan and the two enter the almoxerifado had many cleaners and some brooms, but it was a great space.

The two begin to kiss a lot, Kamila unbuttons her pants and Natan starts to make him a blowjob

- Kamila, you know how to surprise me - Natan speaks moaning

  - Watashi wa odoroki no ga daisuki  (I love doing surprise) - Kamila says with a sly smile on his face

They hear noises, Natan up his pants and the two hide behind a shelf full of products was there, the caretaker of the college, enters the stockroom

- YA prosto dolzhen sdelat' vse eto zdes', v etom kolledzhe . U menya proch'. U menya net grebanyy  (. I just have to do it all here in this college I have off I do not have shit.) - He picks up a broom and close the door

- We better get going before anyone feel our lack - Natan talks and the two come from inside the warehouse, each goes to his room

Fernanda and Thaddeus were in the cafeteria, she bought a milk shake and he bought a soda, they sat at a table in the cafeteria

- I need you to answer me something, but you have to be honest - Fernanda spoke through with shame

- Answer all you want

- Have you ever used drugs?

- On the Natan called Kamila to leave, I, Nathan and Caleb we had smelled cocaine. But it was only on that day that I remember

Fernanda leaves her milk shake on the table, she seemed to be in doubt if it was something that would disrupt their relationship with Tadeu in the future

One of the waitresses had stumbled at the foot of the table, hit his hand on  milk shake Fernanda, which fell into his pants

- My God ! What shit -Fernanda speaks rising fast

- Prostite menya    (Forgive me) - The waitress spoke trying to clean the milk shake Fernanda pants

- I need an urgent laundry

- Ona nakhoditsya na fakul'tete fundamenta   (She is in college basement)

Fernanda and Thaddeus run to the basement, they use the elevator because it was faster

Once Fernanda arrives at the laundry, takes off his shoes, unbuttons his pants and throw it in the washing machine and put some washing powder, Tadeu is admiring her perfect curves, he approaches Fernanda, the two begin to kiss, Fernanda he puts on the machine, takes her panties, she puts her legs on his shoulder and starts sucking her vagina, making friends moan horny

- Our luck is that here no one will hear us - Tadeu says laughing

Tadeu sucks very Fernanda, she starts to moan with lust every blowjob he gave it

- I'd better go up before Kamila come after me

- Here's your panties - Tadeu speaks handing it

- No need, keep your memory - Fernanda takes a huge coat that was hanging on a clothesline, his luck was that the coat was going to his feet, Fernanda begins to put his boots, takes off his pants and put on the line - I do not know who it was this coat, but the person is stylish

Tadeu guard Fernanda panties in his pocket

The two run away laundry, enter the elevator, decided to go to the floor where he slept Tadeu, Fernanda put his hand inside the pants Tadeu, doing massage on her little head and Thaddeus goes hand inside Fernanda coat

They take the hand of the intimacies of each other when they saw that the elevator would open

The elevator opens and they see Caleb accompanied by a blonde girl

- Who is she ? - Thaddeus curious question

- Galinda, she is a new student at the Film class. These are Tadeu and Fernanda

- udovol'stviye   (Pleasure) -Galinda speaks shaking the hand of the two

- I'll take Fernanda to her room and I'll be back - Tadeu talk up the stairs along with Fernanda

Caleb and Galinda enter the room, Galinda faced with the giant poster of Lisbeth Salander in the room

- Yes, I am in love with this character

- Ona dovol'no   ( She is beautiful )

- It seems that today the quartet of lovers want to leave, I think I'll stay here in the room even

- Kak naschet my idem vmeste ?   (How about we go together?)

- Today I am in order to rest, the film course is well pulled - Caleb talks sitting on the computer chair

- Vy mozhete byt' uvereny , chto segodnya vy budete otdykhat'  (You can be sure that today you will rest) - Galinda talks sitting in Caleb bed 

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