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The only thing that Fernanda could do was cry, after all she and Thaddeus faced to be together, this happens, it his coat takes a syringe that was already heroine, goes to the bathroom, look in the mirror, finds a vein in your neck and applies the drug begins to cry to see your image in the mirror

Tadeu is Kamila, Nathan and Caleb smoking in the cafeteria

- What are you doing here? - Tadeu question sitting and picking up a cigarette

- Holding Candle - Caleb responds drinking some of your whiskey - Where's Fernanda?

- In her room

  - Anata wa heya de hitori de kanojo o nokoshimashita ka? (You left her alone in the room?)

- Yes, why? Some problem? - Tadeu question putting a little whiskey into a glass and drinking

  - Toru watashitachiha igōru wa arimasen, watashinoheya ni iku no o mimashita (Except we just saw Igor going to my room, no) 

Tadeu gets scared, he did not know what to say

- Igor?

- Yes, Igor - Natan speaks drinking his whiskey

- Shit, what I did

Tadeu rises from the table and runs to the Fernanda Room

Fernanda was crying, looking at the mirror when she sees Igor ago, she looks serious for him

- What you want? - She asks

- U vas yest' chto-to u menya, to ya khochu vash tozhe  (You have something of mine, I want something of yours too) - Igor begins to approach Fernanda

- Stay away from me, if not I will ... Calling someone

  - Vy budete nazyvat' kogo? Tadeu ostavil vas  (You will call whom? The Tadeu left you)

Igor pulls Fernanda blouse, leaving her naked in front of her, pulling her hair and drags her into the room, giving him a kiss, Fernanda is with hatred and spits in his face after giving him a nice slap, Igor slaps Fernanda hard, causing her to fall on her bed, he climbs on top of her and holds her neck with force

  - U vas yest' dva varianta, libo peredat' mne vskrytiye trupa i svidetel'stva, ili ya tebya ub'yu, i mozhete byt' uvereny, chto Tadeu ne propustit  (You have two options, either hand me the autopsy and evidence, or I'll kill you, and can be sure that Tadeu will not miss)

- Get off it - Tadeu speaks into the room

Igor looks at Tadeu's face and begins to laugh

- Vy budete delat'? (What are you going to do?)  

- Top out of her now

Tadeu gives a knee in Igor's testicles, making him get off Fernanda, it runs from the room, look right in Fernanda's face and starts laughing

- Oni budut sozhalet' ob etom   (Go to regret it)

Tadeu looks at Fernanda, who was in shock, red, gasping for breath

- Are you alright? - Tadeu question sitting at his side

- Glad you came, I could have died - Fernanda starts crying

- You have to report it, what is this evidence he so spoke?

- It is not time to denounce it

- You'll expect him to do something worse?

- I'm waiting for the right time


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