Lost and found

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It was just a normal day when Caleb, Thaddeus and Nathan agreed. As usual, each did something to raise, Natan went to the bathroom, Tadeu was brushing and Caleb did something different, he opened the closet, took his bottle of vodka and three marijuana cigarettes, put the vodka in three glasses , she went to the bathroom and offered a cup and based for each of them.

- First Natan offers us cocaine, marijuana and vodka you now? - Tadeu question so rinsed his mouth and put his toothbrush

- Marijuana does not hurt anyone - Caleb talks sitting on the toilet and lighting his based

Tadeu takes its based and begins to smoke, he remembers that someone can smell

- I want one too - Natan speaks in the bathroom stall

- Is not it better you get out of there?

- It's true - Natan is rolled in a white towel, turn off the shower and grabs her based and begins to smoke it

Each takes a glass that was in the bathroom cabinet, toast and drink at once

- How can you hide it? - Natan question

- This is not illegal as well, just marijuana and vodka, not heroin, cocaine, LSD and other hard drugs

- I hope that Lara did not feel the smell - Tadeu talks

Once finished smoking, Natan was changing clothes, Tadeu was pick up their materials and Caleb was keeping his bottle of vodka in a false bottom that he had discovered inside the room

- People, I told Kamila I would get it in her room -Natan speaks embarrassed

- Do not worry, we all get together, it's good to see Tadeu Fernanda - Caleb talks taking Tadeu face of fun

- It is good that we are Galinda is there too - Tadeu speech giving a poor response to Caleb, who is dull time

They leave the room with their materials, enter the elevator

Once the elevator, they leave and go to the Kamila and Fernanda room, Nathan knocks on the door, who serves is Kamila, the two give a peck

- Ready?

- Mochiron (    Of course ) - Animated talking Kamila

- Where is Fernanda? - Tadeu question concerned

- Kanojo wa kyō no byōki o ketsujō shimasu  (She will miss today's sick)

- What does she have ?

- Hatsunetsu, seki, nodonoitami (Fever, cough, sore throat)

- Are you ready ? - Caleb question

- Of course - Natan answers

Kamila closes the door and they go up to the classrooms, each is separated to go to their rooms due

Raissa was going through a story, it was about theater, she was teaching about the fourth wall, Tadeu did not stop to worry about Fernanda

- Professor - Tadeu raising hands

- Da, Tadeu  (Yes, Thaddeus)

- I need to leave the room, I'm not doing fine

- On izvinilsya  (Is released)

Tadeu picks up your materials, keep them in your backpack, out of the room and runs to Fernanda's room, he knocks on the door and Fernanda meets wrapped in the covers with a terrible expression on his face

- Hi dear -Tadeu speech giving a kiss Fernanda

- What are you doing here ? Should not you be studying?

- I was very worried about you

Fernando invites you to come in, he sees that she was watching the movie Footloose, he lay in bed Kamila Fernanda sits on his bed

- I did not know you like old movies

- Love, Footloose, Back to the Future, The day off Ferris Bueller, just love

Tadeu starts looking for Fernanda covered in a white blanket tiger, it raises the Kamila bed sits with friends, the two begin to kiss, Fernanda unfolds covered, Tadeu see that it was only with a race shirt, I was torn on the sides, revealing that she was braless

- With this outfit and you're cold? - Thaddeus asks sardonically

Fernanda laughs mischievously, takes off his shirt, getting panties only, sits on Tadeu's lap, the two begin to kiss eager, Tadeu plays Fernanda in bed, lowered his pants, walks up to her and takes her panties, open your legs and penetrates well her background, he was not caring if Fernanda was moaning or not, because they were all in class

Fernanda starts moaning, Tadeu starts sucking the neck Fernanda, she takes off his shirt and begins to scratch his back, the two face each other and kiss, someone knocks on the door, Fernanda is rolled up in blankets and Tadeu get to dress quickly

Fernanda opens the door and sees Caleb

- How do you know Tadeu be here? - Fernanda question

- I was looking in the classroom and Raissa said he got sick and left, I knew he was coming here -Caleb look at the cover wrapped in Fernanda's body, and gives a mischievous smile - Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

- Speak why come to me - Tadeu speaks angry

- Lara is calling everyone sleeping in our room, that is, me, you and Natan

Tadeu stands up and gives a kiss Fernanda before you go, the two run off to the room, when they arrive there are Lara and Natan in the room, Lara was holding a clamp a cocaine capsule

- CH'ye eto ?   (Who's that?)

- In one, we do not use drugs - Natan talks

- Potomu chto on byl nayden v svoyey podushke , to vash Natana . Priostanovleno , po krayney mere, za odnu nedelyu  (For it was found on your pillow, then your Natan. It is suspended, at least one week)

- Damn, I said that is not mine

- Dokazat' to   (Prove then)

Natan is silent because he had no way to prove anything to anyone

- podveshennyy  (Suspended) - Lara leaves the room, now everything was going wrong for Natan 

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