Chapter XLI

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A/N: I just wanted to say thank you to the amazing @Castiels_minion for the mind-blowing video above! It's, well, mind-blowing!




Harry's POV:

Neville, it turned out, had never been to the kitchens before. Harry was half convinced that the other boy thought he was luring him down into the dungeons to be ambushed until Harry stopped in front of the painting of the fruit bowl and tickled the pear, opening the entrance to the kitchen.

Several house elves rushed over to happily provide tea for Neville, hot chocolate for Harry and a plate of bite-sized muffins for them both, as well as ushering them over to a small table for them to eat at.

Harry was on his third mini-muffin before the other boy spoke up. "My parents stay in the Janus Thickey ward at St Mungos," Neville said, his voice so quiet Harry barely heard him. "They don't really speak– I don't know if they recognize me or not." He pulled something out of his pocket and smoothed it over the table top with trembling fingers. It was an empty sweets wrapper. "Mum," Neville's voice cracked slightly, "mum gives me these, whenever I visit."

Harry's throat felt thick, and he wasn't sure what to say. He wasn't sure what you could say to something like that.

"What are their names?" he asked, finally.

"A-Alice," Neville said, his mouth turning up in a weak smile. "And Frank."

"Tell me about them?" he said, and he knew it was the right thing to say when Neville's shoulders finally fully relaxed.

It was dinnertime when they parted ways– Neville returning to the Gryffindor Tower, while Harry went down to the Slytherin common room. It was empty, and Harry headed for the boys dorms, only to stop short in the entrance to his dorm-room and let out a sigh.

He wondered whether to face-palm or not as he then stepped into the room and shut the door firmly behind him. The noise had Tom and Hermione, both naked on his bed, turn towards him, and he gasped, eyes widening.

It wasn't that the scene on the bed was particularly shocking– if anything, given the propensity Tom and Hermione had towards engaging in bedroom activities, he was actually surprised he hadn't been woken up the first night of Tom's return by the two of them going at it; full dorm or no. No, what shocked him was the mark on Tom's neck, well below the collar– it couldn't be called a hickey, not really; the impression of (presumably Hermione's) teeth stood out in vibrant purple and red against Tom's pale skin, looking closer to the mark left by Greyback on Hermione's shoulder then any love bite he'd seen.

The idea of Hermione having given it to Tom wasn't even the shocking part– Hermione could be just as possessive as Tom, though she usually hid it better then the older boy, and she was, to use the crude term, a 'biter'. It was the thought that Tom could be marked, could be bruised, that had him feel hot and cold all over.

"Well? Are you going to get on the bed or not?" Tom asked, not even waiting for an answer before turning his attention back on Hermione and shoving three fingers inside her easily.

Hermione let out a sound that was more pleasure then pain, her entire body arching gracefully, and Harry's body moved without permission, crossing the dorm and climbing up onto the bed. He was closer to them then he usually was during their shagging, his four-poster not nearly as big as the bed they'd shared at Riddle Manor, or even the one at Malfoy Manor, but Harry found that he didn't really care. He was too focused on the way Hermione was riding Tom's fingers with abandon, emitting sounds of pleasure every time Tom moved his thumb so a buck of her hips had his nail roughly grazing the sensitive external bundle of nerves.

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