Chapter LII

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Severus's POV:

"What do you mean those little shits aren't here!?" He snarled.

"I mean that they're not here, I thought that was obvious," Lucius said, looking irritatingly composed. Severus let out a sound of inarticulate rage as he violently shook the ash off his robes from the Floo, not caring how it landed on the expensive wine-red carpet of Lucius's study.

"I'm going to kill them!" He seethed. "I'm going to kill them then bring them back to life just so I can kill them again!"

"What in Salazar's name has happened to put you in this much of a snit?" Lucius asked, arching a single eyebrow in that superior way of his while eyeing the mess on his carpet with distaste. "I haven't seen you lose your composure like this in years."

"Somebody beat one of the Weasley boys into a coma and Moody's in charge of the investigation," Severus hissed. "That's what's happened!"

"Ah," Lucius said, understanding dawning on his face. "Well that is certainly unfortunate."

"Unfortunate is an understatement. I need to speak with Hermione immediately because if she is responsible we need to figure out a way to either make her look innocent or frame someone else– and I can't do that when I don't even know how to get into contact with her!" Severus wanted to throw something or tear his hair out in frustration. This was an emergency and he had no way to get into contact with either of his two most troublesome students– if this was anything like the previous times they'd disappeared, he doubted even an owl would be able to find them. What's more, they had lied to his face earlier. To his face! "I'm going to put them in detention for the rest of their Hogwarts years." He said darkly. "They're going to be scrubbing cauldrons every night until they graduate."

"Or get expelled," Lucius pointed out 'helpfully'.

"As you are currently the only person within my wand range, I would be very careful about what you say, Lucius." Severus growled and Lucius just rolled his eyes.

"Relax, Severus," he drawled. "If you can't find them then Moody and Dumbledore won't be able to either– nobody ever has before. And Draco informed me earlier that they both confirmed they'd be attending Narcissa's gala, which is only five days away."

"Five days." Severus tried to take a deep, calming breath. "Five days. How much trouble can they get up to in five days? No, don't answer that Lucius, just pour me something strong. I need it after the hell that has been the last twenty-four hours."

"Ah, the Yule Ball. It was a nightmare, then?" Lucius asked sympathetically as he obligingly stood up to pour them both a glass of cognac.

"Worse." Severus said darkly, accepting the glass that was noticeably fuller then the one Lucius had poured for himself. He took a large sip of the expensive liquor, relishing in the burn. Harry and Hermione were going to drive him to alcoholism, he thought grimly. "And once again, it was the fault of those two."

"Oh my," Lucius said, looking unfairly amused. "What did they do this time?"

"Each other." He said with a slight shudder at the memory.

Lucius raised an eyebrow, surprised. "You mean–?"

"Yes I do."

Lucius frowned. "Were they actually having intercourse?" He asked disapprovingly. "I don't doubt they'll end up married but it's not exactly proper. I suppose neither were taught any better, though, having to grow up with muggles."   

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