Chapter LXVIII

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Severus's POV:

"The Weasley twins are a problem," Severus snapped as he walked into Minerva's quarters at the end of the first week back, having been quietly notified over breakfast that she was planning a small get-together that evening.

Minerva, Poppy and Pomona were all already seated, both Poppy and Pomona sipping from lightly steaming cups of tea, and Minerva winced at his blunt words, but very tellingly did not try to refute them.

"I take it your holidays weren't very relaxing," Pomona observed, sympathetically.

"You did take off quite suddenly," Poppy added.

"I had to re-write the staff patrols," Minerva said, clearly annoyed, and it was his turn to wince.

"My apologies. There was a...situation."

"I guessed," Minerva sighed, "you've never left us in the lurch before, so I'll let it go this time." Severus nodded his thanks, before lowering himself onto one of the tartan sofas. "So, the twins," Minerva slumped back in her seat slightly, running a hand tiredly down her face. "It's... difficult." She sighed. "They've lost two siblings in a short space of time, which makes it hard to punish them too severely."

"It's the first week of term and already eight of my Slytherins have had to visit the Hospital Wing due to their 'pranks'," Severus said flatly.

"It's true," Poppy admitted, her mouth tilted down unhappily. "I have as much sympathy for their loss as you do, Minerva, but their behaviour really is unacceptable. It can't continue."

"I'll have a stern talk with them," Minerva promised. "They'll be alerted that the period of leniency for their unacceptable behaviour is over and that the consequences should they continue breaking the rules will be severe."

"Thank you," Severus said, pleased that his concerns hadn't just been brushed aside. He despised those who tended to get leniency for their appalling bullying because they claimed to just be 'pranking' people— there was no prize for guessing just why it was such a sore spot for him. The damage done to him by the Marauders during his school years had left its mark— and in a very literal sense, considering the actual Mark it had eventually led to, though he wouldn't give them full credit for that; Lucius had certainly played a large role there, as well as the general discrimination against Slytherins and his own propensity for Grey and Dark magic.

"So, shall we discuss the true purpose for this meeting?" Pomona asked, clapping her hands together.

"The Final Task," he stated and both Poppy and Minerva groaned.

"Thank Merlin it's all almost over," Poppy muttered, glaring at her tea. "Honestly, have you heard they're importing a bloody sphinx?" 

"It could be worse," sighed Minerva. "I heard they were considering a cockatrice— at least with a sphinx, if the Champions can't answer the riddle they can back away before they get attacked."

"So long as the little idiots don't try to actually attack the sphinx right back," Severus said sourly. All three witches winced at the thought.

"Surely Hagrid has taught them better then that," Minerva said hopefully.

"Really." Severus said flatly. She practically deflated.

"I can't wait for this to be over. If it's ever announced that another Tournament is being planned, I'm retiring on the spot." She muttered.

"Speaking of retirement, did you hear about Karkaroff?" Poppy asked. Severus very carefully did not react to the name of the man he'd watched (and even participated, however reluctantly) be tortured to death. The Dark Lord had faked the now-ex Headmaster of Durmstrang contracting the untreatable in most cases and nearly always fatal dragonpox, followed by a swift 'retirement' and retreat to an undisclosed location to 'live out his days'.

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