Chapter One

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I had just finished putting on my shoes when I heard the buzzer buzz. My high heels clicked and clacked across the floor as I made my way to the intercom.

"Yes?" I asked, talking through the speaker.

"Ally? It's us!" I instantly recognized the voice.

"Come on up!" I said excitedly, clicking the button that would allow them in. It had been four months since the last time I saw my best friends and tonight would be the first night that our legendary girl's night would once again be our weekly thing.

It didn't take long for them to reach the third floor, even though there wasn't an elevator. I could hear them out in the hallway before I heard the knock. I jogged - or tried to jog - to the door. As soon as I opened it, I was greeted with squeals and hugs. Claire, Penny and Lacy all hadn’t changed in appearance. How they were all single completely beat me. Claire with her brown, curly hair and green eyes was gorgeous. She was probably my closest friend out of the three, even though we were all pretty tight. Penny had dark hair that had been dyed with a purplish tint that made her green eyes look bright and somewhat pure. Lacy was the smallest out of all of us, reaching only about five foot two inches. She had a smile that was unforgettable.

"So this is your new home?" Claire asked, stepping through the threshold.

"Yep." I said, inviting them in. "Through this little hallway it opens up and I've got the kitchen on the right and living room on the left. If you keep going straight, there's another little hallway like this that branches out into the bedroom and bathroom." I gave them a little tour, and then we went back into the living room.

"It's so bare!" Lacy commented.

Penny rolled her eyes and shook her head, "Maybe that's because she just got all of her boxes today?" Sarcasm practically oozed out of her words. I nodded, looking around. I had opened a total of three boxes; one that held my dress, one that held my shoes, and one that held my make-up. I figured that tomorrow I'd be sporting a bad hangover which would mean it would be a good time to unpack. For now, the boxes were stacked up in piles everywhere.

I had already purchased Tylenol - extra strength - and some water bottles to help me get through the next day.

"I don't know about you ladies, but it's eight o'clock and I'm ready to get my dancing shoes on." Penny smiled, her eyes glowing. We all cheered in agreement and exited my new home. I didn’t bother locking my door. I figured that if you lived in New York City and some criminal chose your apartment to break into, you were screwed whether the door is locked or not.

Deciding to take a cab instead of walking, we hailed one down expertly. All four of us piled in, already giggling hysterically, excited for the night ahead.

The club wasn't far. Lacy had been able to purchase VIP passes so we didn't have to wait in line, which was awesome. Although Penny, Claire and I had no idea how she managed to get them, we didn't question it.

Club Rouge’s aura was wild. Remixes from Ke$ha and Britney Spears blared through the space. Crowds of people danced, barely leaving any room between them. The two bars at either end of the place were ridiculously busy with dozens of bodies shouting orders to the frantic bartenders.

My friends and I sat at an available table - something that was very hard to come by at this club. A few things that weren't hard to find at this club, however, were drunk people, hot guys, and girls who liked to flaunt their parts.

For this one night me, Claire, Penny and Lacy were one of them. Teamed with high heels and short dresses our legs looked superb and sexy. Cleavage was shown, but in a classy way. We portrayed a stunning look, but still managed to maintain a respectable image.

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