Off to Maryland

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the man came back in. immediately I longed for Annies hug and mommys kiss and daddy's humor.
"you make any noise, and it'll be your last" he said, and jerked me up and out of the room. it hurt, but I obeyed and didn't make a sound. he brought me outside to a shed, in the shed were guns, and knives. he threw me on the ground, I squealed, and he kicked me in the side, I immediately cringed my body into a fetal position and started silently crying. I just wanted to be home. then I felt a force to my head and everything went black, but I still heard talking,
"gimme the money and she's yours"
"take her, far away from California, other side of the states would be best"
I wanted to scream. I wanted to fight back and go to the hotel they were staying at. but then I heard,
"I'll take her to my home in Maryland."
I was filled with excitement. next thing I know I'm in a car, awake, buckled into a car seat, the right car seat. I was shocked. to my left, a suitcase. a pink suitcase.
"we're here. now here's the deal." the man said, I nod, signaling for him to tell me.
"you pretend to be my daughter, I give you the best home you've ever been in. meals every day, a puppy, anything" I smile and nod, looking back on it I shouldn't have done that. we get through security, and then someone asks him,
"what happened to her?" it was an old lady, I wanted to tell her I was kidnapped, but I knew that wouldn't have a good outcome.
"she got hurt while playing" he wasn't a very good liar, I lock eyes with the lady. she was pretty, she might've been old, but she had these green eyes that stood out.
"are you sure? can I see a license?" she asks and he pulls out his license. then she asks me a terrifying question,
"what's your last name sweetie?" I immediately freeze. but then I remembered something, a name.
"Fisher" I try to say, I haven't talked in so long, or at least it felt like it. probably only just a few days. it just came out as a crack, sounding like, "fer" but somehow the lady understood me. and she walked away, a concerned look on her face, the man brought me into a hug, he smelled like garlic and ash trays. not a good mix. once we're on the plane I fall asleep, I wake up with a sore neck, but I was home! well... at least in my home state.

once we got to his house he stripped me down, till I was naked. then threw me into a room, the floors were rough cold concrete. it didn't help that I was bare naked, he left me alone for what felt like a second, but was probably  10 minutes. he yanks me out and pulls out a camera, I'm covering my body and when he positions me i cover back up, I feel a hand punch me in my side, I cringe up and a tear falls down my cheek.
"no, Stand up straight" he says in a firm voice. he snaps a picture, then grabs my hair and throws me back in the room. still bare naked. I wish I could have some clothes. that's all I wanted.

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