Security Cameras

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after he threw me back into the room, he tossed in some food. a bag, I look closely, bread!! I opened up the little zip lock baggy and pulled the bread out and started eating, I've gone a few days without any food or drink by now, at least. I've been in this mans house for over a month, I do know that by what I've seen when I was out of the room.

after I ate my bread I fell asleep, I had a dream that I was home, safe, with Annie and all the dogs, and my parents. I was awoken by clothes being thrown on me and the mans voice saying, "put these on we're going out" and I was excited. I had planned a way to get away from him, and now I could finally use it! the clothes were jean shorts and a grey sweatshirt, like always. I came out when I was done, my hair must've been a mess because the first nice thing he's done to me, was brush my hair.
"your name? not Hayley. your name is Brooke. got it?" he said. I nod, Brooke. fitting.

when we got to the store, it was a gas station, not really quite a store, but you could buy stuff. I look to my right and see a tv, I was on the tv, as a security camera tv, not like the news or anything. although I'm sure I was on some channel somewhere. I mouth the words "help me" to the camera and then continue walking and pretending that he was my dad.

"I have to go to the bathroom sweetie, stay right here I'll be right back out" he said. once I saw him close the door, I ran to the front and tapped the clerk on the shoulder, when she looked down I mouth the words "help me" again, I couldn't speak. my throat was too weak. she got down to my level and asked me to try to speak I managed to get these words out, "man, kidnapped, trapped, naked" and she knew what I meant. THANK THE LORD IM SAVED!! she asked me for my real name and real address and how long approximately I've been kidnapped. then the man came through the store screaming "Brooke"
"BROOKE WHERE ARE YOU?!" I hid behind the clerk, I could feel my heart beating fast. when he saw me hiding behind the clerk, when he saw me he tried to grab me, I started to cry, out of fear. I've been holding so many tears in for a month, and now I can finally let it all out.
"this isn't your daughter sir, I'm afraid I need to call the cops." the clerk said, I liked her. and then the man pulled out a gun and shot the floor next to my foot, mad kayos went out. and then the police came, thank god. 

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