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the next thing I knew was a police man taking away my kidnapper. I never got his name, I'm sure somewhere on the news I'll see his name. then a police man came and got me, he put me in the back of his car. the smell and feeling of the soft leather seats against my body was amazing. I couldn't wait to see my family again. he asked me where I lived, and I told him.
"you ready to go home?" he asked, as he handed me bottled water and a bag of mini-muffins. I nod, and he drives to the local police station, on the way there I was filled with excitement, as well as sadness. I was gonna see my family for the first time in months! I was gonna hear about everything that happened, and I'll get to feel the warmth of my bed, instead of the cold, hard concrete pushing up against my bare body. but, there was one thing I don't really remember. when we left for the gas station, I remember hearing, a bark, it was coming from outside. either I was hearing something, or there was, actually, a dog. I manage to ask,
"yes?" he asks back, looking in the mirror to lock eyes with me.
"will you guys be searching his house?" I ask. he looks confused
"why?" he asked, in a comforting voice. I look out the window and say,
"I remember hearing a dog barking this morning before we left. I'd like to meet the dog, if there was one." I say, still looking out the window.
"sure sweetie, we'll check" he says, smiling. I fell asleep the rest of the way, it was a cross-state trip, 5 hours.

when we finally arrived, the police officer helped me out of the car. I was weak, but not too weak. I could still walk, slowly, but I could walk. while walking in, I see our car, it was the same shiny black car that we had 2 months ago.

"you ready?" the officer said, I nodded. and he directed me to my family. when he opened the door, my heart sank. not in a bad way, but I hadn't seen my family in 2 months, I was nervous, to say the least. I horribly ran over to Annie, first of course. we locked each other in a hug, both of us not letting go for several minutes, tears streaming from both our eyes. I'm home I'm really actually physically home. after me and Annie let go I walked over to daddy and mommy and gave them the same ole big hug that I gave Annie. I was no longer Brooke. I was Hayley. I was no liner going to be sleeping, naked, on a cold floor. I was going to be sleeping in clothes in my bed, although I might sleep with Annie the first few nights out of terror. but that's ok. and i would no longer have bread every other day and water once a week. I would have 3 meals everyday and snacks whenever. just then, an officer walks in.
"we have another officer back at Haynes' house..." Haynes was his name. the guy who ruined my life and took nude pictures of me and saw everything I didn't even let my parents see. Haynes. "...and they found a little guy that you might like. he'll be here tomorrow" the officer said and walked away. the dog. they found him!

the next day

I woke up. no longer on a cold floor, but with Annies warmth and her blankets over me. I missed home. today was the day I got to meet the dog that was somehow with me. mommy came in, no vlog camera in her hands, I didn't mind.

"you ready to see what they found HayHay?" she asked me. I nodded, and smiled at the nickname "HayHay" I missed people calling me that. I love that name.

after lunch, mommy called the station and they said that they'll bring the dog over, not just any dog, a corgi puppy. corgi. i had a corgi companion. once they brought him here, he came straight to me, I sat on the ground, although I was sore from the beatings I could still sit pretty good.
"hey buddy" I said, as he licked my face, then my mouth. everyone in our house laughed.

"what're you gonna name him?" Annie asked. I look at her, and then the puppy again. I decided to name him after Calebs nickname. Bubba. the person who told me to stay strong. for me. for us. Caleb was with me when I was kidnapped. I was sure of it. I looked back up and said, with confidence,

"Bubba" and looked back at Bubba and hugged him. "my Bubba"

end of this highly short fanfic. sorry it's so short but I didn't really have anything else to put but this chapter was pretty darn long! I'm gonna start another fanfic tomorrow and I'll finish off suicide squad :))

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