Out of Darkness ~ Drarry

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The crowd that usually stifled the main hall of Hogwarts was thinned considerably.Most students were in class, leaving only a few stragglers behind. On their way to Transfiguration, Harry and Ron had been accosted by Malfoy who was flanked by his ever-present followers.

Malfoy sneered. "There's nothing you can do, Weasley. It's not your fault your git of a father has too many kids to keep up with."

Ron fumed, his cheeks flaring to match his vibrant hair. "Shut up about my father, Malfoy."

"He can barely even hold down his own Muggle-loving job. The Ministry's ready to fire him when they can't even find anyone else stupid enough to take the position!"

Harry growled harshly at Draco. The blond was nothing but a nuisance, antagonizing Ron just for kicks. "Why don't you just go fuck yourself, Malfoy."

Draco looked taken back momentarily, before prodding Harry, getting into his face. "I don't have to. I, unlike you, have people to take care of that for me." he laughed, leering at Potter.

With a swish of his robes, Malfoy had turn tail and sauntered off in the opposite direction, his company following faithfully. Ron was still trembling with anger, so Harry did his best to mollify him, turning him around to lead them to class.

The bespectacled brunet lay awake in bed, replaying the scene from earlier that day in his mind.

Considerably tetchy, he rolled over in a huff. Why did Malfoy insist on being so insufferable?

The room was stifling, and he felt a itch in his legs to go for a midnight stroll. Harry pulled the Marauder's Map out from his trunk, un-crinkling the corners and spreading it out in front of him on the quilt. He needed to check if the coast was clearto sneak out.

Labeled dots roamed the entirety of the paper, wandering along all the corridors and main rooms, though many smaller rooms remained emptyed. Some Harry had never seen a dot in before. He figured they were hidden somewhere in the enchanted depths. Yet tonight only one label caught his eye: Draco Malfoy's dot was slowly circling the potions classroom in the dungeons. Snape was no where to be seen, which always slightly unnerved Harry.

But that's not what you care about right now, he reminded himself. The circling dot had piqued his curiosity. Malfoy was alone. Surely Harry could creep down to the dungeons and even attack his enemy. He wasn't sure what his plan was, but hurting the blond seemed like a good enough idea.

He scowled at himself for turning a walk into a murder attempt. But it wasn't his fault that stupid Malfoy took up so much of his attention.

Trading his pajamas for robes, he crawled out of bed and under his invisibility cloak petulantly, half angry at Malfoy for being a pest and half for taking up too many of Harry's thoughts.

Periodically assesing the Marauder's Map, Harry climbed down the staircases and wound around statues and rooms. After a while (the staircases weren't being particlary cooperative in the middle of the night) he approached the heavy wooden doors to his least favorite class. He pulled the invisibility cloak off and stuffed half of it in his cloak pocket.

Slipping inside, Harry stiffened, snapping up his guard. Draco stopped short in front of him - he was apparently leaving. "Potter," he said curtly.

"Malfoy," Harry glowered, clutching his wand withen his cloak.

Draco's eyes met his, but they lacked their familiar malice. Instead, the gray orbs seemed dejected, as if Malfoy had been pacing the room stewing. Before he could stop himself, the words fell from his lips. "What's wrong?"

Suspicion flashed across the blond's eyes. "Why do you care?" he scowled.

Harry shrugged. If Malfoy wanted to be that way, fine then. "I don't." Draco looked crestfallen, making Harry's chest clench up. "Just tell me why you're upset."

"It doesn't matter, Potter," Malfoy replied waspishly. "I just... oh, never mind. You wouldn't get it." He tried to push past the brunet, but Harry stood in his way, trapping him. He was irritated at Malfoy's simpering. Pinning him to the wall, Harry closed in, hot breath ghosting across Draco's cheeks. He squirmed unconfortably underneath Harry, pressing closer to the damp, cold bricks.

"What wouldn't i understand?" he asked.

"That i-" but he was cut off because Harry had gotten so annoyed he just had to press his lips to Draco's soft pink ones.

Harry sighed and sat back down. "Are you going to tell me what's wrong with you or what? I don't believe you for a second when you say you're fine."

Malfoy was positively frazzled. He tried his damnedest to avoid reacting, but he only succeeded in melting into a puddle of shock, confusion, and raw need. He whimpered pathetically, much to Harry's bemusement. "I think i'm in love with you."

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