Chapter 5

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It was a little over a week later when Mina arranged plans to meet Baekhyun again. Sehun was still unsuspecting, and she wasn't feeling as guilty as before about meeting up with him.

It's no big deal anyway. It's not like we're having sex. And if Sehun asks, we can just always tell him we were childhood friends. But I guess he'd question why we're meeting behind his back...

He'll just never have to find out.

Mina walked up to Baekhyun's room after dark, each step taken in confidence as she scouted the hall before knocking on his door. Sehun was out drinking with someone named Chanyeol, she told Sehun she needed to collect something from her job, and Baekhyun communicated to her that he told everyone else he was going back to his parents' house for the night. There was nothing for Sehun or any of the other members to be suspicious about, and there would be no interruptions tonight.

"Come on in." Baekhyun smiled after opening his door for her. His voice was as smooth as honey, and it sent a chill down Mina's spine.

She nodded. While stepping past him she accidentally brushed against his chest. He was warm, soft, and smelled like her favorite cologne.

Enticing. She heard the door click behind her before he followed, both of them sitting down on his sofa just like last time.

"I'm glad you could make it over," he chirped, his eyes this time on her face.

"I'm glad you had the time." She took him all in, admiring his choice of clothing. Baekhyun always looked good in tight black jeans.

"I've always got time for you." He smirked. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Yes, please." She found herself blushing under his gaze, and it wasn't until he left the room until she felt like she could breathe again. How could one man twist her up like this? How could the annoying jerk she met in high school be so mature and sexy now?

"You still do that thing where you stare into space with that dumb look on your face?" Baekhyun's voice was jarring.

Mina gazed up to find him handing her a glass half full of red wine. "Baekhyun, really?" She narrowed her eyes as she took the wine glass from him.

"Come on! We never got to drink when we were kids. Loosen up." He chuckled as he sat back down beside her, a little closer than last time. "We always wanted to do this together anyway, right?"

"Well, yeah... I guess." She swirled the drink, trying to do anything to keep her eyes off of her ex-boyfriend.

"I'm sorry I couldn't take you out to a restaurant or anything... I didn't want to risk getting caught."

"It's fine. This is nice too."

"Just don't waste anything on my furniture." He raised an eyebrow before bringing his lips to the glass.

And here I was thinking he was going to propose a toast to something. Mina focused on the opposite wall instead, taking a sip as well. Why would he though anyway? This is no special occasion.

They were silent for only a brief moment until Baekhyun broke the silence with common formal questions. Mina hated how awkward and stiff they were, and she wanted to loosen the mood up more than anything.

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