Chapter Two

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"My mother can never know about this." I stress to myself as I watch my only proof of responsibility roll away from me.

I pull out my phone and dial the only person I know can help me out in my time of need. "Jenny!" I scream into the phone waiting for a reply.

"Damn-it Vess!" She shouts back now half-deaf.

"I need you to come and take me to school, I told my Mom I was responsible enough to catch the bus and that fat twinkie abandoned me!"

I hear laughter coming from the other end and can't help but laugh along with her. I'm not sure why I am panicking so much, Johnson High is probably the most unorganized High School in the entire country. In Sophomore Year, I missed about fifty of the one-hundred eighty days and got detention for three of them...which is more than I can say for Freshman year.

"I'll be there in about ten minutes Vess. Don't keep me waiting or I'll be the next method of transportation rolling out of your grasp." She joked.

"See you then sweetheart." I reply giving the phone a overdramatic kiss.

I end the call just in time to hear her react in disgust.


"Finally!" I scream as Jenny's car rolls up into my driveway.

"What took so long! You said ten minutes about thirty minutes ago."

"Sorry honey, I had to bleach my ears after the phone call we had." She said as she handed me a Mocha Milkshake from Frosty's Diner.

"You are forgiven you bribing monster. Now let's get to school, I would actually like for us to experience our Junior year!"

There really is nothing better than drinking a Milkshake while cruising down the highway blasting the radio with your best friend...unless you hear sirens roaring above all that freedom.

"OMG! I can't get a ticket! My mom will take away my baby!" Jenny shrieks as she hugs her steering wheel as tight as possible.

"Calm down Jen, just roll down your window and show him your license and make-up so boring old excuse." I respawn reassuringly. If there is one thing that is more unorganized than our school, that is our county police department.

"Um...well...funny story about that. I don't exactly have my license yet." She says hesitantly, rubbing the back of her head.

"What! You told me you had a license!"

"I mean, I'm suppose to be taking my driver's test next week. How was I suppose to know that I was going to get pulled by the man in blue?!"

A knock came from the driver's side window, signaling Jen to put her window down.

"OMG Vess, he's right there! What do I do?"

"Roll.Down.Your.Window!" I put my head into my palms preparing for the consequences this encounter will bring.

"Ma'am, do you have any idea how fast you were...uh...going?" Asked the spaced out officer.

"No s-"

"Don't sass my little lady!" He retaliated, seeming much more aware of his surroundings.

"I'm sorr-"

"License and registration now." He demanded.

If Jen figures out a way to get us out of this, I swear I might just have to abandon all self-respect and kiss her.

"I...I..." She pauses trying to think of something obviously failing.

"Ma'am, do you have anything to show me that you are legally allowed to operate this vehicle."

"Well sir, I have this set of car keys that allow me to turn this vehicle on and operate it...and I technically own them legally."

Well, at least there's a lot of men in prison...

"I'm going to have to ask both of you to step out of the vehicle and put your hands behind your back." He ordered.


"You both get one call, make it count." Advised the officer patrolling the small holding cell.

"Jen, I am not calling my mother so it is up to you to get someone to pick us up."

"Why me? I've just been through a very dramatic experience." She sighed.

"You're lucky you only got a ticket and a free call; I knew that mouth of yours would lead us to trouble one day you sass monster." I joke towards her to lighten the mood.

She quietly gets up and walks toward the department phone, putting in the number to someone whom I hope will be generous enough to pick us up. Please don't be one of her parents, they will tell my mother for sure!

"Okay, see you soon." I hear Jen mutter right before she hangs up the phone and walks back to where I am sitting.

"Well?" I ask reluctantly.

"My brother is coming to get us, I told him to bring us straight to school."

"Thank goodness! Prison is not the place for me."

"It's only the departments holding cell you wimp" She sneers while hitting my arm.

"Vesson Richards -- Jenny Harrison, there is a Luke Harrison here to pick you up."

We quickly walk out the cell, rushing to Luke's car as fast as we can.

"Shotgun!" Jen screams, yet to little to late as I swiftly lock the door behind me to the passenger seat.

"Not fair Vess!"

"You snooze you lose fart face!" I yell back to her in a taunting fashion.

"Um...can we get going? I have some sleep to get back to." Said Luke with his deep lethargic voice. It was actually really cute sounding.

As we flew down the highway, I took the time to survey Luke through the corner of my eye. His hair was a mess and he had bags under his eyes...must have been a well needed rest from the looks of him. Even though he looks rough to any standard, there was still a certain charm about him that stuck.

"Luke, turn on the radio!" Jen whines from the backseat. She must have put the window down while I was looking at Luke because her blonde hair was waving everywhere from the force of the current blowing in.

"No." He replies rather harshly.

"You can put on something you like if you want." I suggest trying to be as friendly as possible; it's the least I could do after he broke us out of county jail.

He sat silent for a little bit, probably pondering my proposal. After about two minutes of silence, I see him look at me through the corner of his eye with those ever so stunning emerald green eyes.

"I'll let you pick what we listen to." He states, surprisingly sounding more intelligent that he did the last few times he spoke.

I turn on the radio and turn it to 98.1, Jen and I obnoxiously sing along to the Sia song that comes on while Luke stares at the road seemingly spaced out.

A few minutes later we pull up to the three-story building where all hope dies. Jen and I get out the car and I take the initiative to thank him for his help, only to get a grunt in return. This guy is so confusing, at one moment he is a mildly kind guy and the next he is a rude prick.

We make our way to the doors of the High School and stop at the entrance, preparing ourselves for a brand new year of torture.


"Yeah Vess?"

"Is it still to late to go back to prison.?"

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