Chapter 7

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My phone rings and I pick it up.

"Hello." I say in a bored voice.

"Naruto. It's me."

"Itachi!" I perk up at his voice.

As soon as I am done with my assigned work, I submit the file and rush out of the office.

Hinata was waiting in the car for me. I slip in beside her and we drive to Sasuke's house.

"Now tell me." Hinata glares at me.


"Itachi called me."


"He is sulking. Not eating anything, not getting out of bed."

"So we are going to tell him that everything will be okay and help him?"

"Nope. Cause everything will not be okay till he apologizes but we are going to help."

Hinata nods as we reach Sasuke's apartment.

I open his front door and walk in saluting Itachi.

He points a door and I nod.

I kick open his bedroom door and look at him crouched in the corner in the dark room.

He looks up, eyes squinted with the sudden brightness. I shake my head and let out a sigh. I open the curtains.

He looks at me for a second and then returns to his position with a small hn.

"You are even more miserable than normal. Pathetic."

I expected him to come up with a sassy comeback or tell me to get lost or hit me. But instead...

"I am sorry. For everything."

"I would kill you if you were not. Now come on get up."

I haul him up and he releases himself out of my grip and sits down on his bed, stubbornly.

"Are you kidding me? I have to get back to work. Stop acting like a kid!" I say annoyed.

Hinata shoots a glare and I shrug in response.

She sits beside Sasuke and gives him a side hug.

"Now tell me...."

Sasuke looks at her

"Is it a necessity that a boy has to act like a complete jerk to girls before realizing their mistakes?" She shoots him a glare.

Sasuke blinks surprised and I hold in my laughter.

"I could smack you a hundred times and still you won't man up. Freakin apologize to her already!!!" I say frustrated at his obliviousness.

"Do you want me to print an invitation for you to do this?" Hinata sighs

Sasuke looks down.
"She will not forgive me."

I face palm. Dumbass.

"She won't be wrong." I state bluntly.

Hinata let's out a sigh
"Unbelievable. Boys are just impossible."

What Sasuke mutters next leaves Hinata shocked and me smirking

"I like her."

"You like her back?!"Hinata asks surprised

"Finally!! You messed up big time but at least you accepted it." I say grinning

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