Chapter 44

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Naruto was talking to Sasuke. Kiba had agreed to the whole instructor thing, fortunately and surprisingly. They didn't fight about it, not even glares. Kiba went to surf while Naruto talked to me a bit before walking to Sasuke. He told me that we will go to the rental shop later to choose a good board and a wetsuit.

"You should go and rest now." He said pursing his lips. His fists were slightly clenched.

I couldn't shake that controlled voice. Was that for me or just for Kiba. He didn't linger beside for too long. It was as if he was ignoring me. I sigh as I glance at him again. He catches me looking and smiles before going the other way.

"He is going to see if any instructors are free for tomorrow. Don't worry."

I turn to Sakura and give her a short smile. I walk with her to the other girls and sit beside them. I decided that I will go after sometime. I sat there watching the water come and wash away. The girls were talking about something pointless. I just sat there and thought about my relationship. Had Naruto given up?

Things were just building up inside me. My anger of Naruto not talking to me normally let alone kissing me senseless or my annoyance of him not bothering button up his shirt. He was roaming around in his shades not even aware of girls eyeing him as a piece of meat or as an attractive eye candy. He is but he is my eye candy. 

"Looks at you, all frowning. Listen to me and go back to the house and rest. And lighten your mood with some candy. There is some in our room." She says and I sigh, defeated.

I get up and start walking to the house. It did seem a good idea. No one will be home so I have time to think by myself. Chocolate does sound good. And then a good, long, relaxing shower.

I ask the guy hired by Sasuke to drive me back to the house. He had come up with this idea to transport us from his house to the beach and back since it was on the other side.


I tug the hoodie closer as I walk to my room. I am suddenly pulled by someone into my room. I feel lips on me as the door promptly closes and I hear the locks. I recognise Naruto the moment our lips met. Then started our epic make out session.

I jump wrapping my legs around his waist as he holds me tightly. We were literally sticking together.  I ran my hands through his blonde hair. I feel his hand roaming around my body, below the hoodie. I make the kiss more passionate. He smiles against the kiss and we begin our battle for dominance.

He retracts and looks at me with a broad smile.

"God I missed you." He mutters and kisses me again. I smile at his words. He was normal all along, just controlling himself in front of everyone.

"Do you know how worried I was when I heard you had gone surfing with Kiba."

I couldn't believe my ears. Naruto was jealous of Kiba.

"He is my best friend." I smile amused at his pouting face.

"Yeah but I always suspected that he harboured a crush on you. And I wanted to teach you how to surf."

I raise a brow. "How did you even know I wanted to learn to surf?"

"Oh I found your bucket list." He states plainly.

"What?" I ask horrified.

"You know, the green paper inside the second book on the second row of your bookcase. I found it by chance, on the day I sneaked in the first time." He says rambling.

"It was confidential." I say frowning.

He blinks and laughs. "I am sorry. I just couldn't help it. It had a cute handwriting and I did decide to put it back but then you came suddenly and I put it my pocket. I forgot about it till I found it again and read it not realising what it was."

I think about his answer as he looks at me expectantly.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were gonna come today?"

"I wanted to suprise you." He shrugs innocently.

"When are you gonna introduce me to your parents?"

His face falls a bit. He gives me a said smile.

"I really wish I could. My mom wants to meet you too. She is excited about that meeting." He laughs fondly. "But not now. I promise you. You will meet my parents soon." He says with a faraway expression on his face.

Somehow knowing his parents know about me and want to meet me, made me feel giddy and at ease. A nagging suspicion on the back of my mind had been put at ease. I trusted him and I was right.

"Okay." I say touching his cheek. I lean in and kiss him again. This also leads to an intense make out session. In the middle of our battle of dominance, a voice shouts from the hall.

"Hinata! Did you shower?"

I stop suddenly at the voice. Sakura was back and she would want to come in her room.

I look at him and he just laughs. I cover his mouth and shoot him a glare. He has an amused expression while I make up my reason.

"Hinata?!" She yells again.

"Yeah. I was just going to shower. Can you wait for a bit?" I bite my lip in anticipation.  I see him shaking his head and smiling but I ignore him.

"Okay. Everyone is coming back for lunch so hurry up. Stop licking your candy and go shower."

My eyes widen at her words. Naruto bursts out laughing.

"...lighten your mood with some candy. There is some in our room." I mutter the word she said to me.

"How did she know?" I mutter confused.

"She is smart." Naruto says nodding.

"She urged me to come here. She knew all along that you were waiting for me."

He just grins like it doesn't suprise him.

"I better shower before everyone comes." I mutter and get off him. Naruto pouts and I couldn't help but playfully slap him.

He looks hurt but when I motion him to get out.

"Do you want me to join? It will be quick and we can save water..."

"Oh my god! Get out you baka...." I blush and push him out of the room with him chuckling.



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