
474 11 2

* 1 month later *

- your pov -

Its been a crazy month for all of us , hunter & I are now married ! I still can't get over that , I keep on repeating it but it just feels like a dream !! Brandon , Hunter , Ally & I all work just that we do work online bc sometimes we have to go out farther from florida so we'd prefer to do online work :) & its better to do online work so we won't feel pressured or anything like that , but life has been super good so far , today I've been feeling a little sick , I've been throwing up a bit & I all of sudden having cravings for things I usually don't eat or drink or whatever , but I don't really try to think about it , but today the squad & I are going to the movies & Mario is coming along with his new girlfriend Jackie ! :) we leave in about 2 hours so its yeaaah :)

Ally : you look pale , you okay?
Y/n : yeah im fine , I just feel a little sick that's it but I'm okay :)
Ally : are you sure?
Y/n : yeah I swea.. * you feel sick so you run to the bathroom *

- ally runs after you , once you got to the bathroom you threw up , ally ran in & sat beside you & pulled you hair back so you wouldn't get your throw up on it -

Ally : see you aren't okay
Y/n : I am okay , i've just been feeling like throwing up
Ally : wait .. have you gotten your period ? ..
Y/n : um no , I think I'm just 2 days behind why?
Ally : have you been having cravings?
Y/n : yesss why ??
Ally : personal question but when you & hunter were on your honey moon did you guys use protection?
Y/n : um no , hunter forgot too * giggles *
Ally : y/n!! we have to go to the drug store , like now!
Y/n : I'm so confused 😂
Ally : you silly! You're 2 days behind on your period , you've been throwing up & have cravings!! That can only mean 1 thing! :)))))
Y/n : oh my god!! I might be pregnant !!
Ally : yes!! Now let's go get you a test !!

- you & ally run to the car & drive to the drug store & grab a test , pay for it & drive back home quick to take your test -

Ally : you done yet?
Y/n : yeah I'm coming out now
Ally : does it say yes or no yet??
Y/n : it says we have to wait acouple mins !!
Ally : what if you are??
Y/n : well hunter & I talked about this a lot , even during our honeymoon , we both want this :)
Ally : goals! 😂 check it now !!

- y/n was really nervous to look at it , after about a min she looks at the test & it said .. -

ally : omg !! I'm gonna be an aunt !! Wooohoo congrats babee !!
Y/n : hunter is gonna be really happy about this , omg * cries more *
Ally : I'm so happy for both of you!! You have to surprise him ;)
Y/n : well today we go to the movies so how about we do something basic * giggles * we can go buy some baby shoes , wrap it in a box & then I'll give it to him! :))
Ally : fantastic 😛💞 oh my god I'm so freaken happy for you!!
Y/n : I cant believe it , this feels like a dream! * sniffs *

- ally then pulls you into a hug , you both were really happy you both teared up bit , you guys realized you had a little bit of time left so you guys got into the car again & went to baby store & grabbed some baby shoes & went back home & wrapped it , eventually hunter & brandon got back home! -

Ally : their here!
Y/n : okay first let's say hi & then I'll give this to hunter !! :)

* you guys go down stairs to the kitchen where hunter & brandon where at *

Hunter : hey baby * hugs you *
Y/n : hey babe 😛 * hug him back *
Ally : heeey babe :) * talks nervously *
Brandon : hey princess :) you girls okay? You seem nervous
Ally : no yeah we're fine * laughs *
Y/n : babe there's actually something I wanna give you :)
Hunter : what is it babe?
* you hand hunter the little box * Hunter : oooh what's in the little box * laughs *
Y/n : just open it !! :)))))

* hunter opens the box , but at first he seemed a bit confused so you had to give him a little hint *
Hunter : shoes? Baby shoes? Why do I need baby shoes ? * laughs *
Y/n : hmm * puts hand on stomach *
Hunter : no way!
Y/n : yes way!! * smiles *
Hunter : omg! I'm gonna be a dad !! * yells *

- hunter was so happy he hugged you & picked you up , he ran around the house screaming of joy , he was so excited with the news -

Brandon : woah that's crazy !! Congrats sis! * hugs you *
Y/n : thanks brother :) ❤ * hugs back *
Brandon : bro!! Congrats man!
Hunter : thanks brando! 😌
Ally : congrats huntaaa :) !!
Hunter : thanks ally! 😛 I just this is crazy !! Having a family with y/n a.k.a the loml is everything I wanted , we talked about this so many times I'm so freaken happy it came true
Y/n : we're gonna be parents , I still can't believe it , I actually have no words to explain , like at all 😭❤
Hunter : these 9 months need to go by fast , tomorrow we're gonna go confirm it with the doctor okay baby?
Y/n : I'm fine with that babe :)
Ally : are we still up for the movies?
Y/n : I am :)
Hunter : me too
Brandon : I am
Ally : okay so at the same time then , we have an hour what should we do?
Y/n : tell our parents? & Mario?
Hunter : good idea let's go! :)

- all 4 of you drive to y/n's moms house where Christine was too hanging out with y/n's mom for awhile , you gave them the news right away bc you guys had a time limit due to movie night , hunters parents & your parents were so happy , they were about to cry of happiness , they congratulated both of you , you guys then said goodbye to them & went to Mario's , you told his whole family & they were also really happy for you , mario & cat were super happy , you guys talked a bit , then it was time for you guys to head to the movies , Mario brought his girlfriend along , cat came along with her bf too! :) ( I forgot who I said cat's bf was lmao ) you guys then head to the movies & well that's how the rest of your night went -

I usually have my chapters planned but I forget how they go lmao 😂😂

" I wonder if her password is Henry or was it too long " lmfaooo s/o to the girl who said that , you made me laugh !! 😂😂😂 ( I forgot your username lol )
Btw next chapter is the last !! :)

Reunited || Hunter Rowland ♥Where stories live. Discover now