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I wake up to Uriah shaking me. "Get up from your lazy butt." I groan but do as so. After putting my shoes on, I get dragged into the cafeteria. I feel pressure on my butt and immediately open my eyes. I look down to see that I'm on a booth with Zeke, Four and Caleb staring at me.

"Wh-" I stop mid- sentence and yawn. "Why are you staring at me?" They still stare at me as my eyes fight with me. "You look like a person that got killed then reborn." I look at Four and glare. "Gee, thanks bro."

"Anytime." I roll my eyes. And lean back, resting. I hear a slam and I instantly jump and see Uriah with his plate and see that he placed mine by me. "Thanks." I pick at my pancake that is soggy with syrup. I lean in and my head smashes on the food. They all laugh. "HAHAHAHOOOHEEHE!"

"Shut it Zeke!" I just stay there, my face resting on food until Caleb lifts up my head. "Go to the bathroom and wash up." He says like I'm three and have no life. "Okay." As I'm getting up, my legs fail on me so my head makes contact with syrup again. This time they laugh so hard that the whole cafeteria goes silent.

Once again, I stay there. Caleb sighs and picks me up over his shoulder, lifting me off to that horrible place they call the bathroom. He sets me down on the floor. "I feel like trashed poop." I whine. He chuckles and bends down to my level with a damp rag. He starts cleaning my head while I stare at him. Studying him.

Okay, he still has his brother-like side at least. "There. You are now syrup free." His rag stays at my cheek. "Thanks." He stares at my eyes back and forth. The rags slides down to my jaw then my neck. Oh my goodness. No, no he can't be. Before anything goes on I stand up whipping my hands on my uniform pants.

"I'll see you in Language Arts." I walk out before he can respond. He is my brother, he can't do this. Yet he doesn't know so it isn't his fault. Just the thought makes me shiver.

I walk in biology late. "Where were you at Mr.Ahmet." I sit in my chair and face Mr.Gross. Yes, that's his real last name. "I was in the bathroom." Maybe you should go there, you seem to belong there Mr.Gross. I add to myself. "Don't be late again." I nod.


I walk in Language Arts, sluggishly, and sit in my seat beside Caleb and Four. Great, Caleb. I open my notebook to copy the notes that are on the board in my notebook. I feel a poke and see Caleb handing me a note. I take it and stare at its ragged end for a second. I gain my confidence and unfold it.

You look good today.

WE WEAR THE SAME FREAKING OUTFIT! I grab my pencil that was sitting at my desk and write back.

You do realize we look the same just with different hair colors, right?

I hand him the note and copy more notes down. "Can I please have everyone's attention?" We all look at the teacher. "Since I don't know what you know, I'm going to make you all write a short story." We all groan except for the nerds. "But I'm making the first round with partners to see how well you do with others."

She walks up to a chalkboard that has names listed. "I have paired you up. Go look on here to see your partner." I stand and scan the chalk. Phoenix and Caleb. Oh just great.

I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see a happy Caleb. "Howdy partner." I plaster a fake smile. "Lets do this." We walk to my desk and he pulls up a chair. "So," I start awkwardly. "What type of writing do you want it?"

He grabs a pencil and three pieces of paper. "How about Science Fiction?" I nod. In the corner of my eye, I see Four looking at the two of us. I think he suspects something in romantic manner between us. Trust me Four, I don't like my brother. But I don't think that's the same for my brother...

I look at Four and my eyes says it all. HELP ME BRUH! His eyes widen. He looks around the room for help. Then his eyes avert to his bag. He bend down and grabs a water bottle. He gets up and 'accidently' spills it on Caleb. "Oops, I'm so sorry." Caleb stands and smiles. "It's okay I'll just change." He walks out with me letting a sigh of relief release.

Four looks around the room fast and sits right next to me. "What is happening between you two?" I bite my lip nervousness filling me. "I-I didn't-then he-I" I sigh at loss of words. "I understand. Let me guess, he likes you?" I breathe in, trying to calm my nerves. "Is it that obvious?"

"To everyone with two eyes, yeah" I sigh and shrink in my seat. "What am I suppose to do?" He chuckles a little while shaking his head. "It's easy, just tell him you don't feel the same. Or you can just let this continue..." I shake my head immediately. He smiles and pats my shoulder.

"I need to go to my partner. You know, the bozo named Zeke." I turn my head to see Zeke writing on the paper. Normal, right? Wrong. He's writing with a eraser. I chuckle. "Good luck."

I start writing and I hear the door to the classroom open and close. Caleb is here. He sits by me again with a new uniform. "Hey, lets make the characters first."

A/N I know you probably hate me for how I made Caleb, but I wanted to do something different. And I most certainly haven't seen that in any fanfiction or even book but I bet there is in at least one book. Don't be a Uriah.

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