Escape and Rescue

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9/14/201: Edited as well as detail added.


Storm raced up the red stained staircase, racing towards an exit. After she barged through the doors, she sprinted down another hallway She knew there was another exit somewhere in this area. She just had to find it. She cradled whimpering Sage close to her chest in a protective manner as she turned corner after corner, the flashing lights somewhat disorienting her. Luckily, she didn't cross paths with any guards. Surprisingly, she thought. Since she was the threat, she expected them to be scouring the halls for her.

She slowed to a stop just behind a corner to catch her breathe. Carrying Sage while running through the maze-like corridors was harder than she expected. She was strong and had great stamina, but it was strenous carrying another being while sprinting at top speeds. Suddenly, she heard them, voices she could just barely make out over the shrilling alarm. They were close, but she couldn't pin point where because of that damned alarm. She growled in frustration, slamming her flat palm against the wall and sending trails of frost and ice up it. It crackled and popped as it travelled up into the electronic. It, too, cracked beforefinally silencing for good.

The soft gasp and a clutched shirt from Sage alerted her that there was someone else close. Her hard eyes immediately fell to the hall in front of her, spotting nine men completely dressed in black. They didn't look like the normal guards who were bulky silver protectants. Sure, these guys were large, but not from their attire. These guys were built through constant training, similar to the other Supernaturals kept in the floors with hers. But she didn't know who they were or why they were just gawking at her. If they were guards out to locate her, they should have drawn their weapons already to contain her, but they're not. They didn't make any threatening moves towards her, but that might not mean anything. She never knew what the agency would throw her way, so she kept her guard up. For all she knew, these could be new recruits, ones who didn't know her full capacity when angered.

Axle watched as the girl at the end of the hall, who just froze an entire wall, let out a menacing, warning growl, angling the small child so she wouldn't be in harm's way. Her eyes flickered over each and every warrior, scrutinizing them and determining their weakness. Axle lifted his nose and inhaled, taking in her scent.


But there's something else, he noticed. Something cool and fresh, but warm and earthy. Whatever it was, it wasn't natural. Werewolves don't freeze walls, it's impossible. But here this girl, who is clearly a werewolf, sent shards of ice up a wall. 

She didn't look like the other Supernatuals that had to detain from attacking. Both girls were dressed in the same off white pants and shirts as the others, but the older girl wasn't making any approaches to attack. She kept back, glancing around the hall wide eyed, looking for a way out.

Maybe she was escaping? But what are the chances that she'd be escaping at the same time we were breaking in?

"We aren't here to hurt you." Axle said calmly yet cautiously, hoping she would be able to tell that they were telling the truth. She seemed like she'd spook quite easily, or attack furiously if they came closer. They had no intention of hurting her, only helping.

"That's what want me to believe before they lock me back up." Storm growled, watching as confusion fell over their faces. That itself confused Storm. If they were guards, they wouldn't have showed any emotion to that. Heck, any of the workers here wouldn't have reacted. No one here cares about her, only the money that the government gives them. That just means that these strange black-dressed people don't belong here. But why are they here?

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