Watchful Eyes

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I'm back on my schedule! Phew! I thought I'd never be able to finish if I just started becoming super lazy and procrastinating all the time.

So here it is, chapter number...... I don't know, 10? 11?

And remember to vote, comment, and fan!


Days after the attempted robbery, Storm was praised. People hugged her, shook her hand, commented on how brave she was. They truly believed that she did belong to the Bellatores Lunae.

But she knew better. She watched as Storm interacted more and more with the pack everyday, trying to fit in. To become one of them.

Like she'd ever truly fit in, she scoffed. She knew that Storm was a hazard that put the pack at risk. It was a matter of time before someone got hurt because of her. She could feel it.

She's told Alpha Abbott many times about how she feels about Storm. About the risks he takes by keeping her. He always says that he has it under control, but yoy can't control outsiders.

"Sissy?" Her little sister tugged on the hem lilac summer dress. "What's wrong?" She asked, looking up adoringly to her.

She flipped her hair over shoulder, before kneeling down to her sister's level. "See that girl over there." She pointed to Storm.

The little girl nodded her head enthusiastically. "That's Storm! She saved the day!"

"No!" She chastised the little girl, grabbing her petite shoulders. Her eyes widened in shock at her tone. "Do NOT talk to her, okay? She's a bad person. A freak. A monster. Do you understand?"


"No buts, she'll end up hurting someone one day. And stay away from her sister Sage too. They're both freaks and mutants and dangerous. Okay?"

"Okay." The little girl nodded timidly.

"Good, now run along, I have to find my mate."


The beeping of an alarm clock woke Storm up from her deep slumber. She clicked it off, seeing that it was nine in the morning.

Today was the day she would be forever bound to this pack. She was nervous about, but excited. For once, she'd belong to something that could actually relate to her. She'd have a family to support her. A family to protect.

She got out of bed, carefully peeling back the covers so that Sage was still enveloped in their warmth. She stepped into the bathroom, stripping out of her clothes. She adjusted the water temperature to very warm, before stepping into the stream of water. Its current gently massaged her body. She washed herself, her hair, and shaved, before climbing out and wrapping a white fluffy towel around her.

She left the steamy room and headed to her closet. Sage was beginning to stir in her sleep, showing signs of gaining consciousness.

She pulled on some random cotton undergarments, some blue skinny jeans, a pair of Converses, and a large tee-shirt with a random band on the front. She towelled her hair and let it dry loose. She then finished the morning routine. The ceremony itself didn't start til nine tonight, but they had a huge lunch gathering that would start at one. Much to Eleanor's dismay, who had told the stubborn girl to enjoy the morning, she had volunteered to help the wives and grandmothers prepare for the festivities. Whether it be prepping, cooking, cleaning, or decorating, she'd do it.

She left her room after coaxing Sage awake, and then she went down to the kitchen. It was already bustling with activity when she arrived. Drowsy adults struggled to reach the coffee pot as Eleanor and her kitchen staff sliced fruits and veggies.

Storm [Completed and In Editing]Where stories live. Discover now