Chapter 11

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-Alois's POV-
I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. Oh that's right, I forgot to close the window..

"Claude!" I called out but nothing came up. Never mind, I just remembered why I didn't receive an answer. Sometimes I call his name forgetting that he isn't here anymore. I'm so bloody stupid sometimes, honesty!

I sighed and stood up to to the dinning area. Didn't bother to change since I still had my normal clothes on.

-At the dinning room-

When I got there, I saw the triplets and Hannah. I then remembered what happened yesterday. I god, I hope they forgive me- I mean if they don't they I-I won't care or anything! Who needs them anyways! They are just trash!

The four of them saw me once I walked in. The triplets started whispering to one another, narrowing their eyes at me while Hannah just walked up to me with a smile.

"Good morning, your highness. Did you sleep well?" she asked me, walking me to the table.

"I guess.. Why would you care anyways!" I clenched my teeth, pulling the chair to sit down.

Hannah just frowned at me. She turned, going off to- I don't know actually. She should be getting my breakfast. I'm starving, not to mention I haven't eaten ever since yesterdays little fiasco..

After a while of waiting, Hannah walked in with my breakfast. She set it on the table along with something to drink and some utensils.

I looked at my eggs on the plate, I slowly grabbed a fork and started poking it. I had something in my mind right now and what is it you may ask? Well the triplets are on back of me along with Hannah, of course but I'm not taking about her!

I really wanted to apologize to them, I felt bad and I still feel bad about yesterday..

I was hesitant at first but I managed to spit it out.

"H-hey, triplets?" I couldn't find the right words, "I truly am sorry about yesterday, especially to you, Canterbury."

I didn't hear any response so I just assumed that they didn't forgive me. Ugh, I don't care anymo-

"All right, we forgive you." one of them spoke.

"Do you really mean it..?" I replied, my voice unsure but with a little bit of hope in it.

They both looked at each other, whispering until they shrugged and in unison they said, "I guess."

I sighed in relief.

*Time skip*

I just finished eating. I wonder how Cl- no! Do not even think about that betraying tart! I hate him! He's worth nothing to me! Is he? Of course he is- *smack*
"God dammit!! Stupid wall!! I hate you too!" I stood up rubbing my forehead. I think I need some fresh air.

I went to the balcony of my room. I sighed and thought for a moment,

"What the bloody hell is wrong with me? Do I actually miss him? He did hurt me both mentally and physically.." I touched my healing injury and sighed,

"I guess.. I do? No! Of course not! I'm just used to him being around!" I look to the side, tears beginning to blur my vision. I bit my lip in attempt on to cry.

"I'm stupid.." I chuckled, "How can I be so foolish for falling.. Never mind." I wiped my tears away and went back inside.

I just saw a bloody spider sitting on my bed sheets! This damn creature! It's ruining my bed.

"Shoo! Get off!" I swatted it in attempt to pry the spider off my bed. Unfortunately, nothing happened so I just sat next to it.

I studied the spider closely. It looked... Familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. It's almost as if I met it before. Seems crazy, I know but, it just feels that way.

A/N: Oh, don't worry I ain't ded... Yet but here it is! I know it took long but that's because of school, its been stressing me out lately and also because I haven't been in the spirit of writing. I'll try not to take as long like this for the next chapter. Thank you so much for waiting this long! Enjoy this one and see you in the next chapter!

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