chapter 3

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Jimin's pov

It's been two weeks since i slept in Hazel's bed with her. It seems to me that she actually remembered what happened cause i think she's been avoiding falling asleep on the couch. Or avoiding me altogether. 

Today was our last day of school before our Christmas break. I honestly couldn't wait for my parents to come pick me up so that i can spend the holidays with them.

I mean i love them but i can only be in a house with them for an amount of days. And i just love to spend the holidays with them because their  always away because of work.

I wonder what Hazel is going to do for the holidays.

When i got home from school i went straight to packing my suitcase because my parents said that they would be picking me up in the evening.

Hazel wasn't here. So i put some music really loud abd just paco and sing along.

After i was done packing i heard the front door open and thought it was Hazel so i stayed in my room.

But i guess it wasn't Hazel cause my door opened and in came walking Vanessa.

"How'd you get in?" I ask her.

She shakes the key she had costumed made from my key. How she got my keys firstwas the real question.

She had a luggage with her.

Do you remember when i said Vanessa's parents and my parents were friends, well for the holidays they would always join us.

Which i hate cause these are the precious moments i want to spend with my parents not Vanessa and her parents. And i already see Vanessa alot. So yeah.

Another thing i don't like from being away from campus is not living in the apartment complex to see Hazel everyday!

"When are your parents coming to pick us up?" Vanessa asked.

I just shrugged. Honestly i was asking myself that a while ago. They didn't say when they were coming. Just said to pack and be ready.

One hour had pass and we were doing our own stuff when the doorbell rang. I looked at Vanessa but it looked like she was sleeping so i got up to go open the door.

The person rang the bell again. And i shouted that i would be there in a sec.

I opened the door expecting my parents but it was Hazel. Hundreds of question were swimming in my mind.

She looked at me and then walked to her room i assumed.

After a few minutes she walked back with her keys in hand and her jacket.

I was still in the same very position that i was moments ago. My hand still on the door knob.

"I forgot my keys."

She said it so low that i could had barely heard it.

She went to the kitchen abd i her vioces getting louder in the apartment complex hallway.

"Jimin." My parents screamed running up to me pulling ne in a bear hug.

I can't lie, i did miss them.

They let me go and walked inside of the apartment.

"Jimin we have to talk." My mom said looking everywhere but not me.

I nodded and told them to sit on the furniture in the living room and asked them if they wanted anything to drink. They declined and went to have a seat.

"We can't spend this Christmas with you guys, we have alot going on in our jobs and they need us right now."
My dad said.

What about me, i wanted to say. Dont i need you guys? Don't a child need their parents?

"So we can't stay long, we'll be going back soon." My mom said still not looking at me. "We already put money on your account so you don't have to buy the cafeteria food here and we hope u have a good time."

Good time you say. Sure.

"I understand guys now go before tour boss call you and fire you."  I said to lighten up the mood.

__ __ __ __

I don't even know where i found hope to write.
Anyways enjoy.


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