chapter 1

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~sans POV~
"Yawn" I was just waking up in bed. It still felt early so I kept my eyes closed to possibly go back to sleep. It was our nearly happy ending. We were all on the surface, frisk rescued us all. Just all the humans that had fallen after chara but before frisk were dead. I guess I just wish it could have been different, that maybe I could have saved them, but that's all in the past. This is the best happy ending we've ever gotten and frisk said they would never reset again, so we never have to worry about another genocide route or anything.
Noteing that I'm to wide awake to go back to sleep I decide to get up and open my eyes. What I see before me horrified me. I was sitting back in my messy dark room with the tornado and treadmill in the middle of the room. My same room I had back in snowedin. I get up and bolted out of my bed room panicking "frisk promised they said they would never reset again" I thought to myself. I rush down stairs to our same living room in our house at snowdin everything was the same as if nothing ever happened. We were all back underground. "Oh that kid has some splanen to do." I say to myself.
Then I notice something the glasses that I always kept in my pocket was no longer there. The ones that belonged to Gabriella before she died. The same ones I carried around the entire time frisk was going through all of there resets. It was gone no where to be found. "Mybe I misplaced it." I thought. I went back up to my room and began searching for it but found nothing not a clue as to where they might be. "Wait the book where's the book" I exclaimed. I went to our only bookshelf in the house, the one in paps room, and looked in the secret spot I put it in. It wasn't there either. I rushed out of the house into the horrific nostalgia of the snow, straight to the library. Maybe I brought it here to read and accidentally left it. I searched and searched but to no avail. Its no were to be found. Then it got me thinking just how far had the kid gone. I teleport to the castle in to the room where the king would put all the caskets with all the human's bodys. There where none even in there yet. Just chara's eirey empty one with a red heart on it. "They went back in time all the way before the first human fell" I thought to myself, "I'm going to have to go through losing them all again." I teleport home in to my room hestarically panicking and sobing a bit. "This is all Just a bad dream right I'll wake up and be back in bed tori will be there frisk, papyrus, alphys, undyne, everyone. We will all be a big family on the surface along side the humans with no war." I said balling up in to my knees sobing. "Please, please, just be a bad dream." I said to myself. "S-sans, is that you." I Hurd papyrus say from the other room. "Sans what are you doing up it 3:00 in the morning we have human look out tomorrow." he said as his steps got closer to the door. "Sans..." he asked hesitating at the door before turning the knob. "*gasp* sans... What's wrong are you ok. Brother please tell me what's wrong." he said frantic at the sight of my sobing form on the ground. He comes over to my kneels on the ground next to me and engulfs me in a hug. "Shh it's ok Brother I'm here now it was just a dream." he said rubbing calming circles in to my back. "I wish that were true" I thought to myself. After a little while I finally calmed down. "Thanks paps I dot know what got over me. You must be bone tired you should get to sleep. I'll be fine." I said to him. "Gr. As much as I dispise your jokes sans I'll look over that one but, sans you know you can tell me anything brother I'm here for you." papyrus said getting up and reaching his hand down to help me. "Thanks paps means a lot." I said back to him and take his hand. "Of course brother. Now good night sans." he Says before exiting my room. "Good night paps" I say back before I got back to my bed and lay down to go back to sleep.
The next day me and paps go to our stations like normal. The first human came through the door. The first to fall after chara. "Why did frisk reset so far back" I thought to myself. Well stuff happened basically the same way as before. The child befriends paps, paps makes them a "manly bandanna" which is just a piece of paps scarf torn off and the words manly written on it. Then the different thing happens. Papyrus takes bravery to go see undyne, you see usually by this time undyne would have gotten hint of the human being here from papyrus and ashore would have came and taken there soul but, it was past that and the child was still alove. Granet probably not for long considering where papyrus is taking them. Then an even weirder thing happens the kid becomes friends with them. undyne and the kid become friends, the kid even ends up licensing there for the time being. I don't know what changed this time but, what ever happend made it so bravery survives. About a week later the next kid comes through the door, justice, and they too befriend papyrus and undyne. They however continue on to alphyses lab and befriend her and mettaton. This kid ends up living with alphys and also passes the point in which they were supposed to die. "What's going on. There all surviving." I ask myself this new timeline and out come is very strange. "Maybe this will be our complete happy ending." I thought to myself. The next child to fall was kindness there was a much bigger gap in time between children. This one was also the most peculiar to go through. Just like the others she survives past the point of when she should presumably die. However she continues to go forward to asgore and rather than killing her she is able to convince him to change the ways he has implemented. Asgore even goes so far as to say that the royal guards purpose is to just protect the people and be like a law enforcement type of thing rather than on the hunt for humans. Kindness desides to stay with Asgore. The queen even returns but not to the king or anything she just kinda comes out of hideing and opens the door permanently to the ruins. I had then found out that Tories was the girl on the other side of the door that would share all thoughs knock knock jokes with. Me and her of course become the bast of friends and we continued to share our jokes. It was then that I found the journal than I started to write my puns in and started to fill it again. It would make me sad but also excited. I would get to see perseverance again after so long it feels like years. The next child comes in no time and gets very attached to toriel and bravery. This child, patients, stays with toriel, and not long after bravery follows and stays with toriel too. They then start going our with each other and both of them try to help undyne and alphys get together too. The next child to fall, integrity, gets very attached to my brother just like last time but seems more so this time and desides to stay with us in our house in snowdin. Me and my brother get really close to her she's great but just a friend of course.
It had been probably about five months since integrity had fallen and still the next child, gabby, hadn't fallen yet. She was the longest between each of the children before she fell but it would only be like two and a half months not five. "Why is it talking so long, is this one of the differences, that she never falls. Does the universe just want us not to be together." I questioned myself. Throught this timeline I had been very happy since all of the humans where surviving but since its been so long since Gabriella was supposed to fall I've gotten sadder. I may never see her again. "This is what happens when you get happy and excited sans, you get heart broken. Your not ment to be happy." I tell myself. Then it hit me "wait what if she tries killing her self in a different way like she hang herself." I thought to myself. "And that's why she hasn't fallen yet cause she won't ever fall." I said to myself. I was still at my station in snowdin so I teleported home to my room so no one would disturb me or see me distraught. I layed face down on my bed and just start crying hestarically and mumbling random words and phrases such as "why", "I'll never see her again", "come back", and "I'll never get my happy ending" when paps came home and walking in to my bedroom. "Brother where have you been you left your post what our something had happend and you aren't there to help.....sans." papyrus said when he walked into the room. "H-Hey b-bro." I said shaky. "Sans are you ok what the matter." he asked concerned. "Come on paps you know me I'm fine." I said trying to sound ok and not like I've been crying but my voice betrayed me when I sniffled half way through my sentence. "Sans...." he said sighing. He come.and pulled me in to a hug. "You know I'm your brother you can tell me anything I wish to help you. I hate seeing you so upset, so please brother tell me what's bothering you." he asked hugging me tighter. "Ok paps you win, I've been waiting for some one to come back it's been so so so long since I have seen them and yet there still not here. Its been so long I don't think I'll ever see them again." I said sniffling and training off at the end. "Brother you can't lose hope I'm sure if you miss them this much they miss you just as much." he said "yeah except they don't remember me." I tell him. "I'm sure they do who are they maybe I can find them and reunite you." he offered. "No no paps that's not going to work they have to come themselves you can't go get them." I said. "Oh well Then just have a nore positive outlook on it pessimism gets you no where brother so, maybe rather than being sad that there not here maybe you should be happy for them." he said. "Ok paps I'll try it." I said getting up out of his embrace. "Great now I have to go back to work but I will be back later tonight I will make very special spaghetti just for you sans so don't go get that greasey food from grillbyz." papyrus said before leaving the room. "Ok paps you got it." I replied chuckling a bit. I desided I would go to the library and work on that puns book, for her. After a few hours of thinking of puns I got half way through the book. It was getting pretty late so I desided to call it a night and head home. When I got home paps still wasn't home neither was integrity. "Maybe paps took her with, they have been getting quite close to each other." I thought to myself.

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